-pokes- Oh my Jashin Guess what? ^3^
Good Good x3
Happy Summer Vaction! x3
I love Sephy's theme song....It's epic XD
So how was your spring break?
Attempting KHII Proud Mode
Randomly dropping by to say Yo xD
Lucky I'm stuck at home Dx
~The fact that there are so Many Ansem's 0-o' ~Demyx didn't get much screen time ._. ~Sora could care less that Axel just gave his life for Sora ~Roxas is just forgotten until near the end of the game
Pretty Good xD Right now I'm on spring break -claps- Thank ya Jashin
Yo Nothing much ya know same old, try to survive school without attempting to kill anyone.
Hello X3 Thanks for the friend request
Aw what subject
Heck Yeah -attempts to break dance-
Axel, Xigbar and Demyx's deaths T^T I didn't cry while playing the game but after watching a few videos I did
-le gasp- What's it called x3
Xypher: ... Scythex: Yay -runs in circles- Xypher: -trips Scythex-
Xypher: Yo I'm Axel's son is Rebel here's little roleplay Scythex: And I'm Demyx's :D
-nods- Like magic pencils Scythex: Omg they make those ;D Xypher: No -_- -snaps fingers- -catches Scythex on fire- Scythex: -_- -summons...
Yay xD Some people actually got to 50 in like twenty minutes 0.o'