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  1. angel2kool4u
    Yay! I'm so glad it's back! This was one of the only things pulling me back to this site! Guess its time to start making more amvs. :)
    Post by: angel2kool4u, Jun 16, 2010 in forum: Community News & Projects
  2. angel2kool4u
    Thanks for letting me know. i hope it comes back up soon. i've missed it so much!
    Post by: angel2kool4u, Jul 30, 2009 in forum: Production Studio
  3. angel2kool4u
    well, i made a new amv but i can't get to the user portal anymore. did i miss an update with news about that or what? I just keep getting this that says the user portal can't be found. Well anyways, so i uploaded it on youtube instead. tell me what you think.
    Thread by: angel2kool4u, Jul 26, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  4. angel2kool4u
    "the last night"-Skillet
    Post by: angel2kool4u, Mar 15, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. angel2kool4u
    My main one right now is wmm because it's the only free video editing i have besides ones with watermarks right in the middle of the screen. Right now i'm on trial for editstudio 6 which i personaly think is pretty good(and under 100 bucks!). I'm thinking about getting that because it's perfect for someone like me and it's cheap(and by cheap i mean not the ones around hundreds of bucks)!! My favorite part!bye.
    Post by: angel2kool4u, Aug 18, 2008 in forum: Production Studio
  6. angel2kool4u
    thanks and I only used wmm.....i got those transitions from and then under "movie maker users showcase" and then undre that share xp transitions and effects. Last, you just click on" transitions and effects in alphabetical order" in all capital letters. I'm sooo glad you gave me suggestions and i'll be sure to use them!

    thanks for that crazyaxelfangirl!!!!
    Post by: angel2kool4u, Jul 29, 2008 in forum: Production Studio
  7. angel2kool4u
    oooohhhhhhh.....i didn't know that....i'm really sorry. I just don't know many people around here.
    Post by: angel2kool4u, Jul 28, 2008 in forum: Community News & Projects
  8. angel2kool4u
    The boy meets world is by pwilliard, not khfreak87......but everyone makes mistakes. I thought the top 5 was great. I absolutely loved number 1!!!!
    Post by: angel2kool4u, Jul 28, 2008 in forum: Community News & Projects
  9. angel2kool4u
    Please please please please pleae whatch this i og tsome comments from the people on the user portal and i really want to hear more.....things like suggestions, things to help me improve, comments...but then again they are basically all the same thing so what do you think i can improve on(besides the bunch of effects at the beginning, i realized it wasn't that good to go all happy with adding things on):

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="115" height="86"></a><br><a href="" target="_blank">Click to see Video</a>
    Thread by: angel2kool4u, Jul 27, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  10. angel2kool4u

    Thanks for the comment!
    Post by: angel2kool4u, Jul 9, 2008 in forum: Production Studio
  11. angel2kool4u
    this one took me two or three days to make. I love the song and i had to use it. You and Me by Lifehouse.

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="115" height="86"></a><br><a href="" target="_blank">
    Thread by: angel2kool4u, Jul 9, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  12. angel2kool4u
    i really REALLY loved the video, too! that's why i gave it a thumbs up. I really related to the song and the video was awesome. I loved #1 and i wish my trial wasn't over! The top 5 was great this week. Great job everyone!
    Post by: angel2kool4u, Jul 8, 2008 in forum: Community News & Projects
  13. angel2kool4u
    Happy happy birthday, we sing this song to you.........i.......don't know what comes next........but, come and sing it, too! happy birthday! I only know one birthday song which is the one you sing around the cake, but ohhh i know one more......

    and many more on channel 4
    and scooby doo on channel 2...... ... ... ..... and that's all i know. HAPPY BIRTHDAY
    Post by: angel2kool4u, Jul 7, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. angel2kool4u
    i love poster duty.....alright i take this route and once you get good at it, you can complete it in 13 or 14 seconds! Once you begin, don't go behind you, go straight, then take a left and continue down that path with the turns and you take a walk until your past the round building which should be on your left side. All the way down the wall, there is a place for 3 posters keep pressing triangle at that until all 3 posters are up. Then, walkby the side of the wall and head for the circle building.there sould be another three and do the same thing. Don't try to get the one on the top of the building because it takes a while to get that. Walk past the trolley and down the path you see.put those posters up and once you hit the wall you see in front of you, put that poster up, then turn left. Put the one poster up that's there and then turn back around. Next, put up that poster then jump up and continue to put up the posters you see, go down the rooves and then jump dwon from the last roof and there should be another 3. Put those up and you're done. it may seem like a lot in writing, but you get used to it and you'll see that it's pretty easy. If you don't get all twenty at the last 3, then you probably missed one.
    Post by: angel2kool4u, Jul 7, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  15. angel2kool4u
    i don't have the vegas trial anymore, so now all i have is wmm....well, how's this one?

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="115" height="86"></a><br><a href="" target="_blank">Click to see Video</a>
    Thread by: angel2kool4u, Jun 20, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  16. angel2kool4u
    numbers 1 and 4 were awesome.....and i loved the songs!
    Post by: angel2kool4u, Jun 17, 2008 in forum: Community News & Projects
  17. angel2kool4u
    mine would be lady in the water....that movie know how they make the movie trailer so cool, but the movie was a complete bummer......
    Post by: angel2kool4u, Jun 14, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  18. angel2kool4u
    this is a story i started writing a few months ago........i moved from lousiana to florida and my best friend ever was i began writing this story for her.....the main character is me and in the third chapter my best friend will come along......i hope you like it. Most of the characters in the story are real, but some i made up like ryan.....there's really no ryan i it's not really long for each chapter, but i still hope you like it!

    Found Under the Sun
    Chapter One: the problems
    With morning

    The night drifted off forgetting the sun and leaving no room. The wind was calm which was just perfect. The florida nights were always the best. An eleven year-old girl named Diana thought they were the best, too. In fact, they were the only nights Diana has ever seen. She has lived there all her life and loved it ever since. She has always thought of the world as a small place even in social studies. Well, that is for right now.
    The sun rose and looked like it came from the ground. Diana was never a morning person, but a perfect night. Diana was asleep in her bed as her clock said 7:29 am. The sun was in her face, but she couldn’t tell because she was too busy sleeping. She was dreaming about the handsome boy in her class named Ryan and, of course, has never noticed her. He was one of the popular boys that everyone loved and some girls would only think about him, like Diana. She had time to think about him because she had no friends, she didn’t care about her grades, and was always bored. The clock struck 7:30 and the buzzing began. Diana ,as I said, was not a morning person so she hit snooze and checked what time it was. “7:30!!!†She rose with shock and rushed to her closet and picked the first thing she saw which happened to be a pair of black kapris and a light, green shirt with a magenta baseball cap. She ran to the bathroom to get dressed. She was going so fast, she tried to pull up her kapris, but managed to fall.
    The school bell rang and Mrs. Crump shut the door while calling out roll and everyone said here when their names were called. She was about to say Diana’s name. She was running to class as fast as she could so she didn’t notice the door was closed. BANG!!!! She walked into the door head first and fell on the floor. Mrs. Crump jumped in shock and ran to the door and quickly opened it as wind blew from the speed. Diana picked up her head and talked with a bit of a croaky voice, “Here.â€
    Thread by: angel2kool4u, Jun 12, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  19. angel2kool4u
    hhhhhmmmmmm.......i got roxas......i'm a girl and i got roxas........oh well, it can't tell.....i got roxas........and i put that the character that i hate the most in the game is roxas........oh well, i guess i hate myself!!!!!!!

    oh, wait a minute..........i HATE MYSELF!!!! that's not a good thing......
    Post by: angel2kool4u, Jun 11, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. angel2kool4u
    i really liked number 3.....i love the song and the video was great!
    Post by: angel2kool4u, Jun 11, 2008 in forum: Community News & Projects