I'm planning on selling my xbox to get store credit to help get the xbox slim. The problem with my xbox is that it keeps breaking and every time I always go get it fixed. I'm pretty much sick of doing this since I just got it fixed again yesterday, so I was debating on getting the slim. I want to go trade it in at gamestop/eb games, does anyone know how much store credit I can get if sell it back to them?
You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen, comet and cupid and Donner and Blitzen But do you recall the most famous reindeer of allllll
I'm probably going to do a 2-3 day detox of all technology during my christmas break. Meaning no cellphone, no ipod, no video games, no computer/laptop. >> I feel like i'm digging my own grave D: Would you ever do a tech detox?
[so there are two Sabrina's in my photo class so I told my teacher that I was tired of people saying my name when they were talking to the other Sabrina. I told him give me nickname. He says "well let's see what you like, Anime and gaming.. how about something from Final Fantasy?"] My name in my photography class is Lightning. LOL Oh teacherss.
Run this marathon, biznatch Click Here Post your score xD <3
[I love you... you handsome guy..... you a sexy beast] :3
[I'm sorry D: ] Do you guys hate me now?
This is beautiful! REPTAR THIS IS FOR YOU :) Spoiler [video=youtube;ndNjePGjxjY]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndNjePGjxjY&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL[/video] [video=youtube;wyEULXfZYKQ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyEULXfZYKQ&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL[/video] [video=youtube;jYsyV-1S9c0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYsyV-1S9c0&feature=related[/video] [video=youtube;u0J7TpfFQUs]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0J7TpfFQUs&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL[/video] [video=youtube;9G7n8UKGlj0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9G7n8UKGlj0&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL[/video] [video=youtube;HaUPjMeXd4A]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaUPjMeXd4A&feature=related[/video]
Make of it what you want =D hope you all are having a good evening
and I can't stop laughing [video=youtube;kXqY8EZ21-g]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXqY8EZ21-g[/video]
[Yesterday, I told my boss that I quit my sammich job] LOL I have two more weeks there. (:
Member Questions We are so happy that all of you would love to ask questions for us to answer for the next episode, so we would like to go over some simple rules for it: 1-2 questions per member - We want to able to answer everyone’s questions so the questions per member will be kept to a minimum. Keep question PG - we really cannot stress this enough, but please keep all inappropriate questions to yourself, and keep it on topic. Kingdom Hearts based question or towards the hosts - You can ask us anything related to Kingdom Hearts or even ask us questions about anything(e.g: school, work, lives, etc) (just keep in mind of the rule above) Spoiler Free - We try our hardest to keep most of the stuff we say spoiler free. So the questions you ask us cannot have spoilers.
dark chocolate M&M's at 10:48am is soooooooooo goood :) LOL Someone buy me coffee please xD I need to stay awake for the day EDIT.. WOW I CANNOT TYPE D:
[when you beat people in certain things?] LOL Welll kinda, there is this guy who is super super cocky and likes to think he is SOOO smart that he needs to put people down so he would feel better. XD Well I kicked his ass on a math quiz and when he walked away I was like "Huh? whut? muther****er.. I beat yo ass" Yeah I had a good day :)
Whatchu think ;3
LOL I really would love to see someone in China drive to Japan using Google Maps xD
[I've been here for 4 years D: WHAT IS THIS MADNESS] KK gimme a baby. >:
I wish to be in a coma right now or possibly never wake up or something like that.
Have I told you that I adore you for showing me Facade? I showed my best friend it and we downloaded it and played it together. XD It's soooo funny! <3 FOUR FOR YOU GLENN COCO, YOU GO GLENN COCO
For Serious LOL <--- hahaha my bad asian grammer. ANYWAY there is guy in my class, he just came to our school this year and he's in 3 of my classes. Ugh ugh lol he sits in front of me in Math class and just stares at me.. and I mean just looks at me while I'm doing math homework. D: Last week he said to me "Soo like did you want to go to dinner, with me?" and I said "no" he said "Not even to subway?" I repiled "no... I work there" After class he puts his arm around me and says "Soo... are we together now?" I say again "no" He says "What can I do to make you like me?" I said "... nothing" lol Today, at lunch I went to the art room with my friends, and he says hi, I say hi too (because I'm not THAT mean of a person D: I say hi to people) lol I walked to a table where the guy was sitting at plus with other people and he says "I love you.... too bad you don't love me back" LOL and I said again... "No" xDDDD Seriously.. this is creeping me out... I know it's a joke but still XDDDDDD