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  1. kitty_mckechnie

    ARE YOU HAPPY?! Slave driver...

    I apologise for the small size but photobucket shrunk it a lot...
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Mar 17, 2012, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. kitty_mckechnie



    Home Alone 3 stands to be the only film I have ever raged at verbally for more than an hour. Heck, it's one of the few film that fills me with rage! That with Baby Geniuses and a few others I wish I never knew existed.

    I hope they never show this in the UK. I will kill something if they do! >|
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Mar 17, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. kitty_mckechnie
    Might change the series title but it will do for now!

    I've had this idea for a while now but I can be a lazy so-so. xD

    It's basically a series of short stories based on the members of khv and how the writer imagines their day/life. It can even be the first story idea that pops into your head when they think about that member.

    So, for instance; if I had to write about Makaze I would maybe write how he goes about creating his ideal world, or if it was Misty I would write about her typical day in khv, how she marches through the forum in her Darth Vadar suit, using the Force on anyone behaving out of line. Heck, even about Claw being a raging psycho.

    It could be anything that comes to mind.

    What I would like though is to make it into a bit of a challenge. So, we would have someone be the chosen member to be written about, decided by a vote. Members would write their short story, send them in so they may be posted under false names (Cause I like creating false names for folk) and then allow them to chose their favourite. A winner will be decided and the cycle will repeat. Probably do it once a month.

    Would anyone be interested in participating in something like this? Suggestions are also very much welcomed.
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Mar 16, 2012, 14 replies, in forum: Archives
  4. kitty_mckechnie

    May 15th

    You won't see me again after May 15th for a very, very long time.

    Aye, you may celebrate.

    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Mar 15, 2012, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. kitty_mckechnie
    Had to wait in a queue of about 900 for about half an hour and couldn't get all the tickets I wanted in the same area.

    My mum didn't have this sort of trouble when she bought Lionel Richie tickets.

    Distant Worlds is serious business. ._.
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Mar 15, 2012, 20 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. kitty_mckechnie
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Mar 13, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. kitty_mckechnie
    You know, having studied for it and getting it out the way. Like a sense of freedom and accomplishment.

    I was expecting the same feeling today after my exam but I left feeling kinda...disappointed I guess.

    No, I didn't fail. Quite the opposite. Full marks.

    The disappointing thing was every single question was taken from practice exams. I hadn't spent too long going over them since they were easy to remember but I hadn't expected the questions to be the same. Exactly the same.

    I asked my teacher if this was awright (He didn't write it). He said aye and sent me on my way.

    I guess I should be happy I passed but I was hoping it'd be a challenge.

    Anyone else ever felt like that?

    Also, here's a kitten in marshmallows.

    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Mar 13, 2012, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. kitty_mckechnie

    khv Mansion

    Good day, khv and welcome to the khv Mansion.It is a pleasure to meet you all. My name is Kitty and I shall be your guide for this event. If you have any queries or find yourself getting lost please do not hesitate to ask and I shall help you to the best of my abilities.

    Now, before we begin there are some matters to attend to. The Master recently purchase this grand house but has found it far too large to maintain by himself. He is in need of loyal, hard workers who are willing to stay in-house. You will be provided with a room, meals and a wage for your services.

    For the moment the following positions are available:

    • Maid - 2 applicants
    • Butler - 1 applicant
    • Gardener
    • Cook
    • Librarian - 4 applicants

    An additional three positions will be required but their details will be released at a later date.

    • 1
    • 2
    • 3

    I apologise for the confusion regarding the Additional positions. I shall do my best to explain their purpose. The Additional positions are key roles that are included in this event, however, their roles will remain secret. Only those selected will know their purpose till the day of the party. The selected member will be contacted and offered the position. If the member wishes to decline the offer I kindly ask that they do not share this information with anyone till the roles are revealed. The offer will then be given to someone else.

    As the Additional positions are secret it is only fair to allow applicants to apply for both a Household position and an additional position. In the event you are not selected for a Household position you will be considered for one of the Additional positions. Thank you to Midnight for bringing matter to light. The Master would be most furious if I failed at my job.

    If you are interested in serving the Master then please PM me the following details;

    Name -
    Desired job position -
    What you believe your job entails -
    What skills/talents you can bring to the house -

    It is important to note that these position will require some of your time. You must be active enough to respond when called upon and ready to fulfil your duties to this event.

    I also ask if you apply to also put your name down for the guest list. The more participating the merrier.

    To celebrate moving into his new house the Master has decided to throw a house party. There will be food, music, games and plenty of tables housing Yahtzee. The invitation is extended to all members and we readily await for your reply. If you wish to attend please post here saying so. The date of the party has yet to be established but please be assured a date will be posted soon as well as further details of the event.

    Guest List
    Midnight Star
    Kingdom Hearts530
    Llave de Espada
    Dinny Grayson

    Until then, please ask me anything you are unsure of. The Master and I look forward to seeing you all at the party.

    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Mar 11, 2012, 21 replies, in forum: The Playground
  9. kitty_mckechnie
    I'm asking since a release date is imminent and I'm super excited for it and I want to play with you guys!

    So, anyone gonna get it?
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Mar 10, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. kitty_mckechnie
    Forgot to tell my wee brother his meeting was cancelled so he added up waiting for about an hour. He lost out on several hours playtime of ME3. D:

    I did leave him some Doritos to make it up to him!
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Mar 9, 2012, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. kitty_mckechnie







    Why was I not aware of this?!
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Mar 8, 2012, 34 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. kitty_mckechnie

    Left 4 Dead

    Anyone have it? I've been meaning to play it for ages but completely forgot about it. Now I'm wanting to play with some folk who don't mind somebody occasionally tossing a grenade by mistake.
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Mar 8, 2012, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. kitty_mckechnie
    I keep reading them as 'The Party King' and 'The Party Queen'.
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Mar 7, 2012, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. kitty_mckechnie
    Just ordered a Vita since it was £170 with the pre-order pack. D:

    No one tell my parents. <__>
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Feb 24, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. kitty_mckechnie
    The Lightning theme you get is pretty. :3
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Feb 21, 2012, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. kitty_mckechnie
    Awright my little duckies, Sabby is in need of a lover! Not just any lover, she is in need of her Prince Charming! Someone to woo her to adventure!

    Countless men, and lets be honest, women, have poured out their hearts out to Sabby in an attempt to win her heart. But not one has yet to free her heart of roneriness. So khv we ask you, all you desirable members out there, to apply to be Sabby's lover. It won't take long, 15 minutes out of your procrastination to answer some simple questions. And in return? A LIFE TIME SUPPLY OF SABBY LOVE. Amount of love may vary on Sabby's mood

    Please answer the questions honestly! Sabby knows when you're lying!

    1) Why are you a good match for Sabby?

    2) On your first date where would you take Sabby?

    3) You're the first to wake up and Sabby is fast asleep next to you. How do you wake her up? Please, no perverted stuff here.

    4) How would you show Sabby that you love her on a day to day basis?

    5) When Sabby is down how would you cheer her up?

    6) If someone made Sabby cry what would you do about it?

    7) There is only one piece of chocolate left and Sabby is giving you the puppy dog eyes. What do you do?

    8) What would be Sabby and your's song?

    9) Either you and Sabby is leaving for a few weeks, how do you say goodbye?

    10) How would you spend a romantic night with Sabby?

    Bonus question.
    What is the one thing Sabby loves to do?

    Finally, please include a drawing of your love for Sabby. The picture is very important! Please don't forget!

    Please add details! We all love details. The more detail included the better! Just nothing perverted/things that cannot be unseen, awright?

    All applications are to be PM'd to me and I shall post them here under false names. Sabby will then choose the best application and I shall reveal the winner. You know, kinda like Blind Date.

    Any questions please post them here.

    The closing date will be this Saturday! Sabby will choose her favourite application and I shall post the winner. And name and shame everyone else.
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Feb 20, 2012, 44 replies, in forum: The Playground
  17. kitty_mckechnie

    Cake Sunday

    I honestly thought today was Cake Sunday when I saw a piece of cake sitting on the table this morning. About half way through I realised Cake Sunday was not a real day and that the piece of cake didn't belong to me...I made sure there were no traces of cake left. xD
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Feb 12, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. kitty_mckechnie
    Cept they cost £7. Which is about $11.

    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Feb 10, 2012, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. kitty_mckechnie
    I finally got my lovely Portal 2 lithograph in and I'm wanting to frame it. So I walked into an art shop up the town and asked where their frames where. Found them but they didn't have any large enough. So I asked where another shop was that sold frames. The lady gave me directions, albeit wrong directions (the numpty), and I eventually found the shop. The guy was pleasant and was very useful in answering my questions. He calculated the total and offered me a 10% discount. I'm thinking, 'That's very generous of him!'... £94.40! AND THAT'S WITH THE DISCOUNT! Then he offers to take the 40p off. My face = :| Though I didn't want to seem rude so I took the price down (with no intention of returning, though he did have fantastic canvas prints!) and asked him if he knew any other places that sold frames, which he did. His first recommendation was asking for £120 and the guy was an eejit. The second place didn't even sell frames, it was a tourist shop. >|

    It amazes me how many art shops Glasgow has. It surprises me more the price they ask for for their stuff. I literally took one step through the door in one shop, saw a price of a frame, and walked straight out. I didn't even take my hand off the handle! The shop owner probably thought I was knicking something. Honestly,I haven't a scooby who in Glasgow would pay such ridiculous amounts for art. But there's tonnes of them, so I figure its the drug lords and gang leaders providing them business.

    And so, my search for a cheap frame continues. D:
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Feb 10, 2012, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. kitty_mckechnie
    Noel says to Lightning, 'You deserve a treat!'

    I...I almost spat out my Riesen chocolate. xDD
    Thread by: kitty_mckechnie, Feb 8, 2012, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone