/ winning
For a play I wasn't actually in. [My old high school put on a production of Crazy For You and a bunch of my friends were in it and I knew practically everyone so I got invited anyway. XD]
Someone please shoot me.
Is pretty damn good. Oh, Avatar, I missed you.
I managed to find an acceptable tweed jacket in a thrift shop today, and I've mail ordered the bowtie and fez. Now all I need is the wig and I'll be set. Awwwwwwwwww yea. On the downside, still no place to stay for ToraCon. B\
So my recieved rep is about ten times the size it was. Given rep didn't change in the slightest. What does this say about me?
Please tell me I am not the only person who noticed Squirrel Zone.
They need to get tweed jackets and bowties. >| And also fezes.
No cavities hell yea!
Anyone wanna recommend a site with HQ to watch it from?
They're alarming
Series 7 promo picture. Guys. He's on a horse
I love this song, guys. [video=youtube;RzgrcCBS1yY]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzgrcCBS1yY[/video]
Who knew Darth Vader was so charismatic?
You just wanna take a shower and go to bed but every single person in the dorm decides they wanna take a shower all at the same time and there's only one stall. And you're probably not gonna get a turn for another hour. fml guys
Let's see if I can't finish it out before I pass out.
I am not sure how to feel about this. On the bright side, I NOW HAVE MY OWN SONIC SCREWDRIVER.
I'm pretty sure the government is getting stupider every day. http://datfearlesschick.tumblr.com/post/18629102638/artisticazurite-50-centaur-nikinapalm
So I got my paycheck today. $30, not much, but okay. Went to go put it with the other two I have yet to cash because there's no place to cash them until I go home. Spent a good ten minutes digging through my piles of stuff looking for them. Realized the one that had my paychecks was the one that got knocked into the trash my accident last week by my roommate's friend. Got pissed and dug through the trash for another ten minutes. Only managed to find the $50 one, which now has a gross stain on it. Cannot find the $25 one. Got really really pissed. Said friend is not coming in this room for a while. I realize it was an accident, but that's not okay, man.
I had forgotten how boss this movie is. Makes me wanna play a FPS. And I hate FPS.