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  1. jengo
    Yeah, I recently found a decrypted rom in the bowels of my computer, forgot that my friend scoped one out for me to play.

    Anywho, it's just flat out amazing, the graphics could be better, but what the hay, it's a DS, they havent perfected complete 3d graphics yet.

    Aside from that, the story mode is excellent, and the mission modes even better!

    I'd give it a 10/10, can't w8 till it hits the states!

    Thread by: jengo, Jun 3, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  2. jengo
    I need to know how to use it, can't figure it out.
    Thread by: jengo, Oct 6, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Technology
  3. jengo
    Alright, renamed the file to GTASA1 (w/e) .b, i go to load it, and the game closes, what am I doin wrong?

    Do I need to mod my Main.scm or something?

    Thread by: jengo, Jun 9, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Gaming
  4. jengo
    It's been a while, but I'm back, and I need help. I need someone to get codes for Soul Calibur 3 (gameshark plz), because i want to play as npc's. I already have Night Terror, but i need the rest ( colosus, will-o-the wisp, charade, ect.) If anyone can help, I'd be thankful.

    Thread by: jengo, May 21, 2008, 20 replies, in forum: Code Vault
  5. jengo
    Yeah, do you need a japanese ps2 to play it, or does it work on a regular american ps2?
    Thread by: jengo, Dec 7, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. jengo
    I need GS 2 codes for GTA Vice City, perferibaly these:

    Never fall off bikes, very fast bikes, inf hp, oh and of coarse a mastercode.

    And please, no codes from , their codes do not work.


    Thread by: jengo, Dec 1, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: Code Vault
  7. jengo


    Well, the new DS game Dragon Quest Monster Joker has arived, just post what you think about the new storyline of the ever expanding series of games.
    Thread by: jengo, Dec 1, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Gaming
  8. jengo
    Just as the title says. I got this idea from a KH forum i was lookin at on another site.

    Can be either KH1 or 2.





    how to obtain it:

    what it looks like (if your like to make 3D models, go ahead!):

    special ability:

    Anyway, I'm gonna let someone else start for a change.

    Thread by: jengo, Nov 30, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics