Ok, I need a good name for a faction that I am making on another site. I need it to be video game related and something that I can talk about. Maybe many video games or one game. If you have anything good, please tell me. Thanks.
I was looking at some of my old posts and they didn't have my sig in it. Does it only put it in the new posts starting when you put it in?
Hello. I was just messing aroung with photoshop and making some sigs and ava. This is my newest one. I hope you like it. please rate and comment. Avi Sig
Ok, so all you do in this thread it tell what song you are listening to and who it is by. Here is the form like thing it should be it Title - Author I am listening to: Time of Dying - Three Days Grace
This is just a thread to tell what the last movie you watched was and what you like about it and your thoughts on it. The last movie I watched was Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers I just had the erge to watch this movie again. I love the fights and character in the series of movies. The story and direction is fantastic aswell.
Ok, I was wondering if some one could please make me a coo set. Avi Size: 100x100 Text: Blanc Color: Light blue-ish Pics: http://www.finalfantasyworld.co.uk/khextreme/kh2/images/artwork/KH2_Artwork_Roxas2.jpg, http://www.jvrpg.com/image_dossier/dossier/kh2/roxas2.jpg Either of those. Probably the first/ Sig Size: 400x100 Text: Blanc Color: Light Blue-ish Pics: The ones from the Avi or this one: http://kingdomhearts.rpgplanet.gamespy.com/kingdomhearts2/media/boxart/us-cover.jpg I would prefer the link from the sig for both, or the first one on the Ava. Don't use the second link on the avatar unless you can make it look cool. If any of those dont work then just tell me. Thanks
I don't know if I spelt marriges (sp?) right. Anyway. I was wondering if people do that on this site. On another site that I saw people did this, so I was just wondering.
Ok, I was wondering if you can change the title under your name. Like mine is 'Moogles Assistance', and I see some people that have some that they probably made up. So I was just wondering what the requirements are if there are any.
Ok, this is how the game works. Since I am the first person, the next person would say what they think I will become in the years to come. For example: Bill says: A monkey Kyle says: A man nurse. I can't go so the next person goes. I also didn't see anything against this in the rules, but if it is then please tell me and you can close it. Ok, well begin.
I was wondering if there was a blog section in the forums or in the CP. If not then I think it would be cool to add one.
Hey, I'm new to the forums and just wanted to say hi.