i found a manga of kingdom heart,chain of memerions,and 2,so i read it a little then the manga don't compare the game but most of the part is like in kingdom heart 2, in chapter 6. axel give raxos a bag of cracker and also a fake story.
i found out all names of all the akatsuki, here(spoiler) itachi,kisame,tobi,deidara,sasori,pein,konan,zetsu,hidan,kakuzu,and orochimaru(yes, he is in akatsuki till he don't be in)
i borrow a final mix(kh2) from my friend so before i do it,how can i play it.i had a swap magic but i don't know what to it.could somebody tell how to do this to play it.
naruto arena is fun and you can control shippuden or normal naruto charater.i give information about that game i can.
did someone watch kiba,its japanese in english subb. watch in youtube or something because i don't know about it yet
first,the anime leader is bored for nothing and the they have an idea.the fifth hokage show the other anime leader a scroll call battle royale.tommorro afternoon,L report anime fighterthe battle royale is and nami too.till they finish, they have to get 60 point.so they talk about winning each battle.if you win,you earn 1 point,if you beat a anime leader,you earn 5 point.last they need 60 ponit to move on. soon the anime battle royale part 2 start later.
the popular anime is naruto,bleach,kingdom heart(game),and other but which anime is most popular of all. i know naruto is awsome but tell which is most popular.last,give me 5 top popular anime in order
when you dead.depent you go to heven or h#ll. wha tprediction you think go before you are dead.p.s if your trying to kill your self to know what your going,DON'T DO IT!
the anime while back i saw is sometimes a more skillful and strong.and i play the anime games too.who think the anime can beat all the anime fighter(its has to be real show of anime)one more thing,it can't use any magic.only there strenght but not all of them can(if anime charater can use magic for fighting only,its okey):ff10sora:
I made that story myself till i was thinking how was it?(if it any bad cussing,that means that you break the rule and hate it)p.s school out,summer is here.
i finish both of these game and some is hard bu i can't think which version of kingdom heart is hard. i try kh1,ITs only replace one action attack then kh2.its hard but u ned to train it alot and the bosses can attack u when they 4 or 3 bar left.post if which kingdom heart is hard.
i got that game yesterday and it took me 5 hour to finish it(i'm very good at all of naruto game)yello flash a.k.a yondamae is FAST tha sasuke,lee,and itande.tell me more about it by posting it.
when sora arms and leg turn into machine,and sora friends turn to a heartless,last he met edward the story begiens.sora was and eward stared each other then said he's a "SHORTY"edward was angry till he use a weapon with out a tranmutation cicrle and sora use a keyblade which is turn in into a the weapon as edward.they fight till 6 hourwhen riku and al(edward youger brother)saw they got tired fighting then thy infrodued they self when edward a heartless that he never seen it before.just thensora real mission is have revenge who turn his friend into a heartless and edward almost same thing as sora.back at disney castledonald and goofy are have new aventure.:)
in hollow bastion,i have to beat 1,000 heartless but when i use infinte jump n the coner.they got stuck by try to attack mein the air.p.s i don't have a video to show you
i saw on youtube that they have more sora but i check on code valt but there no code for it.can you find it!
well,i was useing a codebreaker with till i playkh1 i keep doing the story was and thenin taveres town.i met cid and i trying to atack a fire but i went in!p.s i wish i can show you but i don;t have a recorder to a vids.
YOU can control riku with cheats.that cool,but i don't understand why he easy to play and be heartless riku useing pack cards(don't remember it's name)but where doyou get it .
the oraganzation is a nobody but what about their heart?maybe there heartless got destroy and get the moon turn in a heart so they can have a heart.do you think?
its dosn't make sense that final mix is so special when you playing because i heard that itshas more level but it give me more detail.tell me if you think final mix is so special.(DON"T give me a cuz.
:ff10sora::ff10sora:OMG,i saw that episode is about dualing but riding a d's weel(can't tell)and the main charater is yusei.you know all about it if you gohttp://animehurl.com