Heres a poem I made for the occasion. I'm leaving There wil be no music. There will be no sing. You don't have to wave good bye, Because I'll be already gone, And maybe you would know why. You'd think I'm annoying, You'd think you're the king. Friends will leave, And pm's will decieve Every little thought That would prove They're not. Why oh why has it come to this? Did we have to miss Or pass by Every good post That some people would most likely love to type? Every good joke will never be ripe, again. I'll be gone forever, and I know you'll remember me never. To everyone, I'm just a guy who had it fun And when he got hurt, all he did was run. Call me a coward, call me a meany. I may seem steamy, but running away is my only freeby. I'll make a new name, change my face Change my race. But now I'll need some space, so leave me be, Don't you see? So goodbye all, goodbye "friends" I hope you wished that you should've made amends.
Now, I feel as though I am the only one in this entire website who knows about this manga, but if you do, please come. Here is where you talk about, One peice.
Anyone think that Disney and Square Enix went way too far with Sora, even though its not Sora, Roxas, going into both sides, the organization AND the main character?
I found out that in 358/2 days is that the enemies you fight are mostly KH1 Heartless, and that the gameplay is like that too. Plus the Roxas idea, only one keyblade mostly(kingdom key), not two (oblivion and oathkeeper). I also think that ds games are too short. Now, people say, you haven't tried it yet, its not out, give it a chance, but does this info show you dissapointment, after seeing the final mix 2 battles with the organization, is it a let down, or do you still think that you should give it a chance. I'm still going to give a chance.
Maybe it was possible that Roxas, even if he left and was beaten up by Riku but he did go and fight Sora, maybe that Roxas could've still been in the physical world, not just in Sora's mind.
Now here me out, last time I did this kind of forum thing it was considered spam in a different website. But here me out on this one. Do you have any fear of this game coming out that it won't be that good?
Right now I'm just a member, but how do you switch names? I know you have only one time you can switch do you do it?
Sweet I got a job now I'm a gummi ship junkie. Better then staying in that boring place and watch struggle matches while eating the same thing over and over again: sea salt icecream.
Hey! I posted lots but i still have 285!!
Dangit someone has the same avatar as me....thats twice now...Change it..
I sure do hope no rp like this has ever existed. The organizations life, in everyday life. On holidays, and during the week, and the weekends, ect. The organization, Xemnas- Xigbar-Haiena.Koinu Xaldin-Amasha Vexen-Haiena.Koinu Lexeaus- Zexion-Roxas_Chick Siax-haiena.koinu Axel-Soranspartanti Demyx- Luxord-Ventez Marluxia- Larxene-Amasha Roxas-Soranspartanti Namine-~Larxene_43 Xion- ----------------- These stories are seperate from each other, you may either pick a person from the organization, and you only stay in TWTNW. This is an everyday roleplay, where each day you would do what your character would do. ie, at Christmastime, you would be your character, and have fun, like Roxas and Axel, playing videogames, which is the only thing they do. This is a spoof story, but you must follow rules. Rules: You may have 3 Kingdom Hearts characters No yaoi yuri! No killing people. Make this funny! Not active for a month, you are out of here. Pg-13. In this spoof, stay in character, but make it still funny, out of character, a bit.
Story The organization has been defeated. Kingdom Hearts had failed. Sora, Riku, and Kairi are now living on Destiny Islands peacefully. The King, hoping that when Malifecent and Pete had gotten the organizations world, they would leave the rest of the worlds alone. He was wrong. before the world was destroyed, Malifecent and Pete quickly got out of that world and decided to find a new castle. After failing, Pete hoped that Malifecent wouldn't get mad. She didn't. She was planning to take over The Land of Dragons. Mickey, after hearing the news about awfull things happening at The Land of Dragons, quickly rounded up Donald and Goofy, and paid a visit to Destiny Islands. Sora, hoping that he would spend more time with Kairi, was sad that he had to leave again and go on an adventure. He didn't know what to do-leave Kairi behind, and have her be safe, or take her with him. In the end, he was happy that she wouldn't agree to be left behind. Donald, Goofy, Mickey, Sora, Riku, and Kairi left on the gummi ship and travelled to the Land of Dragons to face Malifecent. __________________________________________ This story has two parts in it. The group, Sora, Riku, Kairi, Goofy, Mickey, and Donald, first go to The Land of Dragons to try to stop Malifecent from getting the world. Her usual plan: over run the world with heartless. If you win over the Land of Dragons, Malifecent will move onto Beast's castle. So there are two chapters. The Land of Dragons, and Beast's castle. ___________________________________________ Rules Same as any rules apply. No godmodding No powerplaying No converting No yaoi yuri Pg-13 Must use propper grammar ___________________________________________ The people you can play Sora- Kairi- Kairi_girl_92 Riku- keybladeofdarkness4 Mickey- Fayt-Harkwind Donald- Goofy- Malifecent- Pete- Chapter 1 Mulan- Mushu- *Polka Dot* Ling- Captain Li Shang- Yao- Chein Po- Chapter 2 Belle- *Polka Dot* Beast- Chip- Mrs. Potts- Lumiere- Cogsworth- The wardrobe- ________________________________________________________________________________
Behind the scenes-the making of Kingdom Hearts. Day one: Recruitment. 8:00 am. Mr. Square Enix was at his chair with Walt Disney and Tetsuya Nomura. A man stood outside the door to the room, calling forth the people who wished to be apart of this videogame. "Mr. Twilight thorn." He glumly called. A large white thing with a red sweater came into the room. Walt Disney stood up. "Now what's your story, big-fella?" Twilight thorn bowed respectfully. "You don't know how honoured I am to be in this video-game-" "Your not in it yet." Square Enix said, getting a sip of his coffee. "Oh I know that, your majesty," Thorn said. "Its just that I'm honoured-" Square Enix slapped his head. "Security." "No no! I can dance!" Twilight Thorn said, taking off his sweater and taking out a cane. He did a series of Charlestons, and many other classical things. "Security." Tetsuya Nomura said. "No no!" Thorn said, sweating. "I can play the sax!" He took out from his mouth a saxophone, and started playing it. "I even have a band of my own. We call it-the dusks!" "Security." Walt Disney said this time. "Wait! I have a family!" Twilight desperately said. "Security." The three said at once, sighing. Two police men entered the room, and dragged him out. "Mr. Dusk." "Security." The three said again. "Wait! I haven't even showed you my talents!" Dusk frantically called, which he didn't even stand up from his chair. The same two policemen came and grabbed dusk, and pulled him out of the door. Twilight thorn got up from being thrown onto the ground, and got hit in the head by his sax, cane, and sweater. He straightened his scarf on him, and then Mr. Dusk flew on him. They both crashed, landing onto the ground. Twilight thorn shook the stars from his eyes, and looked at Mr. Dusk. "Charlie!" He greeted warmly. "Sora." Sora walked into the room. " first time" Sora stuttered, shaking. "Its fine." Walt Disney said. "Oh." Sora fainted. "Security! Get this kid woken and in that time, Joe, you call the next person!" Square said. The same two police officers, sweating from carrying people down the stairs and going back up the stairs quickly, came panting in with a glass of water that was supposed to be for them. "Wakka." Wakka walked into the room, glaring at the police men. "What? You wanna mess with me? Huh?" He was a gangster. "Security." Enix said. The police men's face dropped in protest about all of the work. They grabbed Wakka and dragged him out the door, throwing him outside, placing the last bit of water on Sora. "How good to see you again, Bob!" Charlie the dusk said. "Good? Its GREAT!" Twilight happily said. "Have yah been practicing on those drums like I told you to?" "Of CouAAH!" Dusk said, as he was toppled by a flying Wakka. Twilight Thorn, dusk, and wakka became uncauntious. "Woah!" Sora gasped, waking up. "Now what can you do?" asked Walt Disney. "I can write rhymes!" Sora said gleefully. "Good. You can be the voice that talks in the heros head." "What!?" Sora said. "But I wanted to be Kairi!" "Kairi is a girls part." Tetsuya said. "B..but.." "No buts. Now be a good little boy and start writing what the hero will here..oh and add it to those questions." Walt Disney said. Sora hung his head low. "Yes sir." Sora walked slowly out of the room. "Actors...crazy people." Walt Disney said. "Tell me about it." Square Enix said, taking a chug from his coke. "Refill please." The two tired police men came in with a coke that was supposed to be for them. "Sir. We wish to be actors." "Oh?" Walt Disney said. "What can you do?" "We can build stuff. We're engineers right when we were small!" "You still are small." Tetsuya Nomura stated coldly. "Oh. You can be Chip and Dale in this production." "We wanted to be Sark and the MCP!" The police men said at the same time, and they were chip and dale. "Riku." "Hey!" Chip squeaked. The two chipmunks left, and an old person came into the room. "Uh...what do you do?" said Square. "I lift weights!" Riku said. "Then you can be Riku in this production." Tetsuya said. "I was planning to be Leon!" Said Riku, shaking his cane with a 10 ton on it. "Security!" The two chipmunks cowered behind the door when they saw Riku turn and glare at them. "Young fool!" Riku walked away. "I'll use the power of darkness on you!" "These are crazy people!" Tetsuya Nomura said to the other two. "That guy can't be riku unless he's younger!" he stated. "I'm guessing there are uncauntious people at the entrance! This is ruining our reputation!" "Hey security!" Square called to the tired police monks. "Check on that window if theres uncauntious people down there!" The tired policemen checked around the room for Riku, scanning the place for anymore old people, then scurried on, walking to the window. "We can't see anything like this!" Dale said, trying to look down at the people. "We have to open this!" They tried their best to open the window, and eventually they both pulled the window so hard that they slipped and hung onto the little ledge where the window was. "So?" Square asked. "Is there?" "Uh..." Dale said, looking down yup...there there...its also a long way down... phew." "See?" Proved my point!" Square said, closing the window. "Uh..hey!" Chip said, but it was too late. "Oh man.." "Tidus." Another old man came out. "Hullo! I'm Riku's brother, Tidus!" " you lift weights too?" Walt Disney asked. "Uh, nope. I do pole-fighting." Tidus said, looking around. "Mmm.." He mumbled. "Pole fighting...Tidus does that in this script." Tatsuya Nomura whispered to the other two. "You'll be Tidus." Enix said. "Thanks! Its a good thing broadway accepted me, while I'm young!" Tidus said, walking backwards. "Sure.." Square mumbled. Outside, at the window ledge, Chip managed to pull himself up, but when he did, his face hit the window, which pushed him back, and he managed to hang onto Dale. "Help US!!" They both squeeked. That couldn't be heard from inside, the window was closed, and from the outside, the car horns and sounds stopped them from being heard. "Selphie." A girl came out from behind the door, in a black jacket. "I've seen your scripts. And it seems I can play Sora, the lead." "No you can't." The three said at once. "Its a boys role." "Sexist!" She screamed. "Security." Walt Disney said. "Wait! I can be anyone!" Selphie frantically said. "Security." Square said. "I'll be a low down resident of Twilight town!" "Security!" Tetsuya Nomura said. "What? Not even that?" She said, hitting her head for ideas. "I'll be a resident of Destiny islands!" "Selphie." Nomura said. "Done!" she said quickly, and pranced away. "Mr. Rain Cloud." "You can be Sora." said Enix. "I'll be what I want, ok?" Cloud said angrily. "Ok...maybe Sephiroth?" "No! I don't want to be that old hag!" "Then what do you want to be?" "I want to be...Kairi." "Alright you'll be cloud. Next!" "Wha!?" RainCloud gasped. "Kairi." "Peace to all!" a girl in a big poofy haircut came in with colourfull clothing. "She's.." Tetsuya Nomura started. "...a hippy." Square Enix ended. "Hand me any person and I'll do it." She said happilly, and started to disco dance. "Jolly, happy, haired..a'll be Kairi." Walt Disney looked over the description. "God bless you." Kairi said, and left the room. "Heartless." "Whats next, a gang?" Walt Disney joked. The two beside him chugged their cokes and coffees when they saw it was true. Walt Disney slammed his head on the desk. They had black jackets on, tight jeans, and had combed back hair. "Hey y'all." One said. "They'll be the heartless." Disney said. "JUST LEAVE." "Sure man." the same heartless said. "Yo that was easy." another said. "We'll make big bucks a minute." another said. The heartless laughed, leaving. "Oh god." Walt Disney sighed. Sora came back into the room with a sheet of paper in hand, chip and dale in the other, and behind him was a person in a tuxedo with an emo haircut, twilight thorn, dusk, and wakka. "We came to sue you for brutally throwing us out." Sora proffessionaly said. "And putting us in the wrong place." Square Enix thought quickly. "Ok Sora be Sora Twilight thorn will be twilight thorn, wakka be wakka, and dusk band be the dusks, now get out thank you, who are you?" Square Enix said this while pushing out people out the door. "I'm his lawyer." Zexion said sadly. "Your perfect for an organizations role, now you'll be Zexion, memorize this Lexicon, ok?" Square Enix said, catching a Lexicon thrown by Walt Disney, and throwing it to Zexion, shutting the door. Square Enix collapsed on the floor. "Phew...I wonder where the security went. Joe! Next person!" "My names actually Xemnas, sir." Xemnas said. "He's sad, he's got an attitude, and he can talk alot saying names. You'll play Xemnas, ok?" Square Enix said, going back to his seat. "Mrs. Larene." A little baby came into the room, fighting chip and dale with martial arts. "Googoo, bahabha!" Larene said, kicking Chip away from her, and twirling around, kicking Dale, flipping him around and punching him, slamming him into the window. "Mrs. ?" Square Enix said. "She's married?" Tetsuya Nemura said. "Uh...Joe...I mean...Xemnas...what does it say on your board thingy?" Walt Disney asked. "It seems to me that her parents had a sense of humour." Xemnas said. "I don't feel any sorrow for them." "We hired a good superior!" The three said at once, smiling. "What did you say?" Xemnas asked. "Don't worry about that." the three said at once. "Ok..this girl matches...a girl, blonde, knows martial arts...teases with people...kind of with the security..and uses kunai." Walt Disney said, reading off the description. "Kunai." He threw Larene some kunai, and she expertedly tried it on the security. "Ok. Your Larxene!" walt Disney smiled at the baby, and Larxene left the room, holding two kunai, electrifying anything she saw. Xemnas entered the room. "Thats all." "Thats all?!" Tetsuya Nomura gasped at Xemnas. "There's still empty slots! And the slots that are filled are crazy people! A lawyer? A poet? A weight lifter? A secretary? A baby? A band? A gang! We have to go outside ourselves and take a tour to find people for this video-game!" "Your fault." Walt Disney said, getting out of his chair and stretching. "Your the one who added to many people to your productions." "Alright then. We go outside, and search for people who would enter this production." Square Enix said, chugging some water, and grabbed his coat, along with the other two. He looked at the clock. 11: 36 am. "Heh. We'll go to central park for a hotdog, and find people there who would want to join." And so, Xemnas, Chip, Dale, Walt Disney, Square Enix, and Tetsuya Nomura went out of the building, grabbed a taxi, and they all rode to Central Park.
I really have no things to say, hence the name. I hope I put that word into the right sentence (hence). Moving along... This is a crossover rp which is mixed with Pirates of the Carribean and One peice. People who've seen the movies (pirates), and read the japanese books (One peice), this is the rp for you. Since this is an rp with lots of characters, and a mixed storyline, there is alot of explaining and choosing to do. ---- But, there must be some plot! So here we are... Jack Sparrow is trying to get back his ship from Barbossa, which was tooken away from him again. Luffy is still trying to become the King Of Pirates. The Seven WarLords of the sea are trying to create an army to destroy the marines. ------------ Rules 1. PG 13!!!! 2. If you want to fight or kill another character, have permission with the other person 3. Have fun 4. Keep arguments out of this thread. 5. No converting (creating a seperate story just for your character) 6. No God-modding (example, The cannon balls tore through all the masts in the ships) 7. Blah. ------------ If you wish to be just a pirate, which means your related to Pirates of The carribean, Form: Normal Pirate Played by: Name: age: gender: History: weapons: appearance: personality: preffered job: (captain, first mate, second, or third mate, gunner, lookout, crewman, doctor, navigator) Or, if you want to be an already made person, Jack Sparrow- Will Turner, Captain of the Flying DutchMan- Elizabeth Swan- Barbossa, Captain of the Black Pearl- ------------------------------ Or, from One Peice, Grand Line Pirate Played by: Name: Age: Gender: weapon: Gum-gum powers (described at triple * mark, optional): appearance: personality: preffered job (captain, first mate, second, or third mate, gunner, lookout, crewman, doctor, navigator): other: Or, already made forms, Luffy, Captain of the Merry Go- Zolo, First Mate of the Merry Go- Sanjid, Cook of the Merry Go- Nami, navigator of the Merry Go- Usopp, Crewman of the Merry Go- Chopper, Doctor of the Merry Go- ------------- *** Gum-Gum Powers are powers which people have because they have eaten the Devil Fruit. You can make any power you like, as long as you follow rule 6. ------------- Or, the people who oppose the pirates, the marines... Marine Played By: Name: Age: Gender: Weapon: Gum-Gum powers? (If so, captain,first,second, or third mate): appearance: Personality: History: ------------------------------------------------------------------ The Seven Warlords of the sea: The Seven Warlords of the sea are feared pirates who have Devil Fruit Powers, and are among the strongest pirates. (remember to respect rule 6!) Crocodile, leader of Baroque Works and powers are life stealing- Form: 7 Warlord Played by: Name: Age: Gender: Gum-gum powers: Personality: Appearance: ---------------------------------------- You can also be part of the crew on a ship, or create your own ship, you must have three crew members to be written down in these collumns. There are three ships right now that you can be part of. Pirates: Black Pearl: Flying Dutch Man: Merry Go: Marines: None --------------------------------------------- Join if you like.
I don't know if this suggestion has been already made, I just started coming into this part of the forum now..I apologize, if it has... I don't know what it is called, but in Riku's story, in Castle Oblivion, the one with 16 episodes... Can you subtitle it? It became real interesting, when I read the 8 that were subbed, but then the rest... Is that even possible for the staff?
Hello to all of you out there, playing in this roleplay, working your fingers! I have created yet another roleplay! Here it is...... _____________________________________________________________ For thousands of years, there lived four tribes. The Giridas, the 'ancient ways' tribe, which live in old huts and tents, clay houses, temples, and the like. They are employed by priests, monks, and chaplains. These people live by the ways of the forest, collecting food from the wilderness. Their powers are ancient yet powerful, healers and the spiritual monks and preists. The Baracuda, the 'deadly warriors' tribe, which live in regular houses, their tribe seemingly to be vanquished by the great war of the four tribes, but they still survive, secretly, to save their kind. They usually are employed as ninjas, samurais, farmers, trainers, scholars, and teachers. They are the ninjas of the night, samurais of the day, secretly dressing up like other tribes to avoid being found. Any witnesses are found and killed, those who find out they are from the Baracuda. There powers are swift, agile, and strong, being trained to fight as soon as they are young. The Dendugs, who have vast and populated cities, with security and safety. They are called the 'manufacturing plants' tribe, for their findings and knowledge in technology. They are employed as bankers, soldiers, labourers, cooks, chefs, electricians, and the like. The technology that they have is more advanced than it is in the 21rst century. Their powers are mainly technology, using ammunition, and other well known technology you know about. And yet, their technology does help them to uncover the secrets from other tribes, and some mana that is secretly hidden away from the tribes-they will find it. And lastly the Gurrus, the 'boulder bats' who did not participate in the wars, they are peacefull folk, working underground, in mountains, in mines, who sell their ore, and findings to other tribes. They are employed as miners only. There powers are strong, and earth like, summoners to help them destroy boulders and clear paths, in their mines. Like you have read, there has been the four tribe war, even though, one of the tribes did not participate. This started off as a feud for land and food, somehow there has been a shortage on that. And high above the clousy mountains, taller then the skyscrapers, and planes from the Dendugs, the Goddess decided to fight back her brother, who is causing the food shortages and anger in the hearts of the tribes. She had chosen two people from each tribe, to be the guardian weilders, to oppose her brother, who wishes to seek power. The giridas, who are priests and monks, have worshipped the Goddess, and so, they know of the oracle being sent down to choose the people. But so do the servants of the Goddesses brother, and so, the brother has been notified, and will attempt to stop the oracle, and the chosen, at all costs. _________________________________________________ Like it? Rules 1. This is a storyline, which will become a story in the creativity corner, credit to those who join, so give Creativity! 2. Follow the missions. 3. Do not abuse anyone in this roleplay. Do not bring any feuds into this roleplay, keep your friendships out. 4. Limit to OOC talk. 5. When you make a form, you can only roleplay after I accepted you in. 6. I would like this roleplay to be active. Post three times a week, the minimum. 7. You must type in your post to make a form, Guldan the Necromancer, to show me you have read the rules, otherwise I will ignore it. 8. Respect your person, If you are a chosen, an oracle, or a priest to help the oracle choose the people. You must post then, five times a week. 9. Propper grammar must be used. 10. Abuse rules often and you will be kicked out. 11. You may use bad words, only use ****** these to block the word out. 12. Absoloutely no God-modding. 13. You can't put in your post like your controlling someone else. Examples: "Whats the plan?" As he listened to the plan from the chosen, he looked around. Shay blasted the oracle across the room. 14. You cannot convert this story into your own, making up your own story into this! Follow the plot! 15. Testing first post, means that you must type the first post that you would type, if you were chosen. Credit to the maker of Kh 3 for this idea. 16. Summon spirits are spirits who are born to protect the person you made, since birth. The chosen will get these powers, if they accept the Goddesses mission. The preists who protect the oracle have already gotten their gifts, the powers of the summon spirits. _____________________________________________________________________________ Already made forms Played by: Name: None. Age: None. Gender: ? Summon spirit: Spiritual lion Weapon: Only the Summon Spirit Job: Oracle. Appearance: A bald, strange, tall, weak looking human with glowing eyes and palms. Wears a blue and white robe. Description: Barely talks, when meets a person, touches the forehead, and whispers strange words, trying to choose the right chosen. ----- Played by: Name: John Age: 43 Gender: boy Summon Spirit: Spiritual eagle Weapon: Staff Job: Monk, protecting the oracle appearance: neatly cut beard, and hair, black haired, blue eyes, blue monk robe, sandals. Description: One of the monks who are protecting the oracle on its journey to choose the chosen. He's a jolly fellow, and wise on many subjects. Used to be a scholar. Testing first post: ----- Played by: Name: Jolie Age: 23 Gender: Girl Summon Spirit: Mermaid weapon: cross enchanted with water powers, and healing properties. Job: Priestess, maid, protecting the oracle appearance: Neat ponytail, with bangs across her left eye, blue/black eyes. White and blue preist robe, sandals, white gloves. Description: brave, sharp, kind, happy. She chose herself to be the protecter of the oracle to avoid marrying. Testing First post: ----- Oc forms (Chosen) Played by: Name: Age: Gender: Job: Summon spirit (you will get this when you accept the mission): weapon: Appearance: Description: ------ (Evil servants) Played by: Name: Age: Gender: Job (warrior, general, assasin): Powers: Weapon: appearance: Description: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Again, alot of writing. Please join this time.
I was thinking this for quite some time. I was wondering why Riku got a weapon. I can't remember Riku ever getting a keyblade cause it chose him. Why him? He got a way 2 dawn for no reason, pretty much. When he was a replika, how come he got a weapon? When he became Ansem, how come he got a keyblade? It was really difficult for me to try to understand this, and pretty much the only weapon Riku was rightfully his, was a toy sword in Kh 1.
Story Many adventurers have happened, over sora's tales. Many have reached close to disaster, many have reached to a perfect ending. It has been twenty years since Soras last big adventure, and over those years there have been many great adventures. Now, Sora and Kairi are parents, the parents of three children. (Twisted this) Riku found a wife, too. You may hear these stories in the Creativity Corner. (of course, I had to twist this) Tidus, wakka, selpie, are also parents. The families now live in Destiny Island, the same story, I guess, in Kingdom hearts 1. Over the years, the worlds are living in harmony. Atlantica still has a rightfull ruler, the palace above sea level has still, Ariel, and Eric, who are much older now. The timeless river....well, not much has changed there, it is still, timeless. Malifecent, has tooken over the palace of the organization, with, of course, the help of Pete. The beast has returned to normal, and Belle and the prince are now Kings and Queens of the castle, the servants are normal, too. Olympus Colliseum, well, Hercules decided to stay with Meg, and now they are peacefully living there. The gods of the world watch over the worlds, too. The jungle, has been still at peace. Land of Dragons, they too, have a peacefull living. Captain Shang and Mulan now are married, and are looking over the new emperer, making this new one, not in danger. Port Royal, Jack Sparrow has gotten a large crew, and Will and Elizabeth are getting married. Agrabah, Alladyn and Jasmine are the Sultans, now ruling over the land of the desert with a great rule. Disney Castle, Mickey and Minney are still great royalty, and Daisy and Donald are married. Halloween town, Jack and Sally are married, Christmas town, Santa is still going about his work, with no need to worry about someone messing up his plans. He has recruited elves, for his work, too. Dr. Fincklestein has made some inventions for Santa to use, making his work, alot easier. The hundred acre wood, is still calm, and peacefull. Not much has changed. Pride Lands, Simba has grown to be a great King, with Nala, and there new cub is almost grown up, being in the middle of being a parent, but still a child, as humans say, teenagers. Rafiki, Timon and Pumba live in the glory of Simbas rule. And in Trons world, Tron is still defeating virus's, with ease, making technology, better. And of course, there has to be a twist. Nobodies, which have been created, were promised to join the organization. When the organization fell, they all took there place. The new organization, organization 15, fought over the palace once again, and Malifecent and Pete lost. Now, the two evil doers are hiding in Hollow Bastion, once again, plotting to find a new castle. Organization 15, trying to put the world back to darkness, succeeded. Heartless are always appearing in Destiny Islands, the same with Atlantica, Hollow Bastion, Radient Garden, timeless river, and many others. Gaston has tried to take over Beasts castle, with armies of heartless. In trons world, heartless are malfunctioning the computers, making Dr. Finclesteins experiments turning into a disaster, taking away hearts of elves. In Agrabah, forty theives have been attacking the palace, miserably failing, since the genie came, but his powers are fading away. Disney castle is still protected by the cornerstone, but the castle is in a siege. Port Royal, Davy Jones has come with heartless and his undead crew to take Jacks soul, paying his debt. Land of Dragons, the huns stormed through China, and the emperer, is really just a hun, too. They have locked up the citizens, and are ruling over the country. Olypus Colliseum, well, Malifecent and Pete took over the underworld, and are creating heartless monsters to take the strong hercules. The jungle, more hunters are coming to take the gorillas. Rules 1. No powerplaying 2. No converting 3. No destroying people without there permission 4. Pg 13 5. Absoloutely, no sexual stuff, romance is allowed, pg 13!!! 6. Godmodding is not allowed 7. When destroying someone, do not make it really bad. ex, then his blood splattered- NOOO! 8. Abuse these rules, alot, and you will be kicked off 9. People must post two posts a week 10. Must switch worlds when evil is defeated, no lingering 11. Cannot use all characters of a certain place, like, 'I'll take all of Soras children' must share, 2 at most. 12. Have fun. Forms -Malificent -Pete The_King -Gaston Soras and Kairis children, 1 (two gone), or Wakkas, 1, Selphies, 1, or Tidus's, 1 played by: Name: age (10-15): gender: keyblade: parent (s) : Organization 15: only can be 15, when a numbers taken, its taken. Played by: Name(must have x in it) : appearance: number: weapon: powers: 15- Xazck 14- 13- 12- 11- Zarakxi 10- 9- 8- 7- 6-Harxu 5- 4-Sharix 3- 2- 1- Graxe __________ I will play the NPC's, Tron, ect, beast... __________ Phew, alot of writing. Hope you join. -------------------------------------------------------- Organization 15 played by: axel ftw name: zarakxi number: 11 appearance: weapon: powers: earth,darkness ----- Played by: Xx.KeyBlade Master.xX Name: Harxu appearance: number: 6 weapon: powers: Twilight & Wind ----- Played by: Paladin12345678 Name(must have x in it) : Xazck appearance: Young Zack from Crisis Core except with yellow eyes and Organziation uniform. number: 15 weapon: A long sword that, similar to the First Tsurugai is made of 2 smaller swords that can be unlocked and used at will. powers: Darkness. Firaga, aura, shield, dark mode, the whole Rikunort shebang. ----- Played by: darkheart418 Name(must have x in it) : Sharix appearance: but w/ black org. XIII coat number: 4 weapon: a scythe powers: summoning dark beasts ----- Played by:leon47 Name(must have x in it) :Xeleon appearance:Wheres a gasmask covering his head and a black trench coat number:2 weapon:Twin crystal swords powers:Shapeshifting use crystals ----- ---------------------------------- Children played by: Paladin12345678 Name: Marcus age (10-15): 15 gender: Male keyblade: Oathkeeper parent (s) : Sora and Kairi ------ played by: darkheart418 Name: Saya age (10-15): 12 gender: female keyblade: oblivion parent (s) : Sora and Kairi ------ Name:Zakk Appearance and weapon: Gender:male Age:15 gender: boy keyblade: jungle keyblade parent (s) : Sora and Kairi
This is Riku_Garra...did I spell it right? And Soranspartantis ideas, here! Join this, its mine and Garras roleplay. okay; there's a group of kids (a large group, about 10) and they are very tight knit. they've been friends since elementary school and live in the same neighborhood. one day, one of them discovers they have the ability to shapeshift. the next day, they tell the rest of the group and it turns out the others can do it too. figuring it'll be a blast to have super powers, they ditch school and practice their newfound ability. but one of the boys in the group finds out that he can do more than the others. being a hotheaded 17 year old boy, he thinks he should be the leader of their group. but the others disagree. only three think the same way he does and they decide to go along with his ideas. And then its 5 years later, and then theres a war waging on, and the four leaders think they should be in power of the other's, and so, the hot headed one battles with the others, in search to destroy them or want some power to control their minds. The three that agree to the hot headed one are now his helpers, and so, this is the form for the 6, or the helpers of the hot headed one: Rules 1. Cuss only with *'s, but limit to little. 2. Kill other people with their permission. 3. Romance is allowed, but to a limit of PG 13. 4. If have any problems, Riku_Garra or Soranspartanti will help you out. Form Name: Age: (must be over 15) gender: Side: (the hot headed ones side, only 3, or the other 6's side) can transform into: (one thing) personality: The count: 1 person in evil side, 0 in good And of course the hot headed one: Name: ? Age: 22 gender: boy side: The leader of the four can transform into: Anything powers: magic, transformation to anything. personality: hot-headed, steamy, mean, grumpy, hot-tempered, evil Name:Tigi Age: 16 gender: female Side: hot heads can transform into: crow personality:likes shiny things, doesn't hold back to fight, takes the side of whoever she thinks is most powerfull
Now, as you know, Disney could not make bad weapons for there characters. They had to make something not exactly violent. And so, the keyblade was born, and linking to the plot. Don't you think the keyblade is oversized, too complicated, and too much creativity put into it? Like in Land of dragons second visit, it shows Sora putting up his keyblade, pointing at _________ cause I can't spoil the stuff for the people who haven't finished the game, or got to that point. What are your thoughts on the keyblade