I'd try for it, but I'm feeling lazy...
Eh, not as classy as the classic error page. Edit: Actually...let me fix your image while I'm at it... There ya go...fixed...sort of...
Finished the third movie, it was better than 2 but it was still "meh." ...hey look Tarzan is now on netflix. I have honed my skills to ignorance. It comes in handy at times.
I ignored them, surprisingly a better movie when you pretend they don't exist...helps since they don't actually do much besides act as transport for the main cast.
I'll be at work when this thread makes it that far so here's a filler post.
I've been watching the second film, it's stupid. For a movie about giant robots and about 2 hours of US Military promotional material it takes itself too seriously.
I stream just because. People can see how bad at games I am and I can chat with them while they watch it. I've also completed more of my backlog of games by doing it, it's kind of addicting...
I'll still watch it, but we'll see how far that goes. Also Beast Wars FTW! One of the earliest shows I remember from my childhood. HE SAID IT!!!
So what I've gathered from this thread, skip 2 and just enjoy the stupidity of 3. Gotcha.
I've actually tried setting up an ultraviolet account, it really didn't work out too well. The concept of theirs where you can redeem a code for a movie and watch it digitally is a great idea, but since ultraviolet is comprised of many individual studios and services its a mess. For example, I registered my batman movies but to do it I had to have a ultraviolet account and a warner bros account. Also since ultraviolet has no xbox or ps3/4 apps you also need a vudu account so you can watch your shows and movies. It's just a mess...
I was thinking "maybe" when I first heard of age of extinction so I rented the first 3 movies from my local library, so far not very impressed except by the fact they got Mr. Cullen to voice Optimus. Debating on watching the other films...
I don't text often, but then again I am doing other things while I watch...although my interest in it has waned and now I'm taking a break before I continue it... I envy you for now watching it.
Kind of boring so far to be honest...
So far there are things of no interest to me or I already own it. My wallet is safe...for now...
I'm watching the Transformer movies for the first time. So far, half interest and half meh... Edit: Some random character I think I'm supposed to pay attention to: "more then meets the eye" Me: HE SAID IT!!!
Just wait there while I go get my wallet, it'll be happy to see you once again.
You should have saw it coming if you've seen Fate/Stay Night, unless you're just waiting for the reboot. Wouldn't blame you...
Earlier I said I found a gamecube wavebird controller. I finally got a receiver for it, which wasn't too expensive, and the thing works like a charm. Played a couple of games with it and it works fine. Best random trip to good will ever.
First thing that came to mind...
And now I have my 3ds on and have my code right in front of me. So that's my friend code.