Keep turning up where I post (a friend?)
^ Could that be Nightwish? < Is listening to Meatloaf V Is not listening to anything
Knows DSK then almost - Demonslayer_kyle
Kitty doesn't scare me!
Didn't notice the avvy and sig (big clues).
^ ~ Rick Ghastly! < Likes pizza V Loves pizza
Needs to learn who Ratchet is.
^ Nope Just caffeine < Is definitely at home V Wants to scare me 0.0
Not having much luck with viruses.
^Got that right. < Wonders where everyone else is V Can answer that question
^ Caffeine!! < A fellow caffeine nut V Feels left out
Needs a hug *huggles*
Beats me with posting
^ Wants to squeal with happiness < Too much caffeine V Is not hyper
^Agrees totally < Has a mad hamster V Has mad pets
^Still watch it < Prefers G1 TF V Doesn't like TF Animated
^ Some form of jet? < I would be an ambulance as well (not the fire rescue truck on the 2007 movie - Grrrr) V Likes creating their own characters
^ How could you ask?? < Is definitely an Autobot V Is a Decepticon
Noooo!!!! An obsessed fangirl
An official of the canis family!