Well, maybe if you're going to be like that, no-one might help you
Wow, first you <3 the wii, but then you say Xbox 360 will definetely win, even though you and I know, that Wii is winning by far. Over 1,000,000 copies of it sold already. Anyway, I don't think there's a second option for SE. The wii would very difficult to use for Kingdom hearts. Especially with all the abilities of Sora, and the 2 buttons the Wii has, would be too few for it. I'm sorry to say SE may be at a dead end. One option would be to sell it on both the PS2 and 3
Shdow the hedgehog is black :D
Kill Bill 1 & 2 Titanic p'wnage Pulp fiction
2286 is a number
2234 *blows up danger dome* SHUDDUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP!!!!
'tis a fake, end of story. The leader is still a mystery. Probably someone we NEVER knew before. Topic defined.
2231 Yeah, but to get back on track. If you look at the number of this post, you'll see what I mean
I'm righty. Yeah, just a normal guy.
Who likes the Oozaru's? me neither
2,226 I love you guys
Cats love Wii
Ok, I went to the gym, and now it feels like my ribs are bruised. what the hell?
no, they're 'playing' with it
Hiyas Read the rules Have fun
Ain't they the shweetest?
That will be easy, since the first stunk ***
The malevolent walked through the murky tunnel of the abyss. His feet pulsating as the echo bounces of the walls. He can see the light at the end, and soon the light travels up his body and is greeted with affectionate warmth. DiZ steps up to his podium and the millions of spectators gossip to each other. Kingdom hearts is seen behind DiZ, shining elegantly. Even so, the arena below him is gloomy and discouraging. The combatants below are looking up at DiZ with eradicating eyes. Their lust for blood has been unfulfilled, and now they wish to slaughter. “CHAMPIONS! YOU HAVE BEEN SUMMONED FORTH FOR A PURPOSE! KINGDOM HEARTS HAS BEEN YEARNING FOR A MASTER TO CALL ITS OWN! ONLY ONE OF YOU MAY POSSESS IT! WE SHALL NOW HOST A TOURNAMENT FOR ALL WHO WISH TO OBTAIN KINGDOM HEARTS! FIGHT TO WIN! ATTACK TO KILL! AND MAY THE UNSURPASSED WARRIOR LEAD US TO VICTORY!†______________________________________________________________ The tournament for Kingdom hearts takes place. You character sheet. Take it and fill it out. When you're done, wait until the others arrive. We then reveal the first test. This tournament is different. It is an elimination with 3 different stages. Not counting the prelimiary test. Name: Weapon (if any): Homeworld: Reasons for wanting to take part: Now, the rules are as follows Rules: 1. You may be any character from the KH series. Including Final Fantasy characters which have made appearances 2. You may only bring 1 weapon if you choose to wield one. 3. You may NOT leave the premises in between tests. We have accomadations for you to sleep in. 4. You may only bring your one weapon, and extra clothes. We will be inspecting you before you pass through the gates. 5. Any breaking of these rules, will result in immediate disqualification
At least you get money :|
Thank god. I was afraid this was gonna be just another adventure game