Dont mean ta go off topic here but i dont see the need for a thread. Is vexen a girl? Cause i thought he/she was a guy lol till someone said different
I was cheering cause i though he died dont get me rong lol i love goofy i would have cheered if it was donald as well for the simple fact that i wanted mickey ta join my party lmao.
Oooo imagine if suddenly they poured out everywhere and people were chosen to be key bearers hehe, sorry i have a wierd imagination
Well how did he die? Did he die on halloween do u know?
Well no im sorry there is no codes for all abilities. But wen u do quik lvl up with sora he gets all his its just donal and goofy. I had that problem too im afraid. Soz bout that
Ok then phew, i started ta thinku was turning against me lol....
AxelEight! Thats my mickey u talking about there....
I dont know either i need ta know because i dont know how. I have psp7 but dunno how ta use it lmao
Very boring, wat do u find exciting bout it vivi?
na i dont think im too old for it, I just dont do it no more cause it int my thing either
no demeyx n me lmao Na i think Demyx n Axel or Demyx n Roxas hehe
OMG yea that would be awsome, like getting to fight in that war near the end of the film :p
No i dont i just have plain old kingdom hearts, just load up the first part of the game its actually squaresoft not square enix
YESSSSSS its going to be sooooo cool we got loadsa fireworks, and we always put one in the pumpkin hehe and blow it to smithers.
Hey AxelEight, what did u go as? Cause it dont look like u wearing a cossy?
KK thats enough spam for now lets get back on topic I wanted Finding Nemo too :p
Did you read the begining proply?
Through the door in the secret area.....I think.... Who does the voice of Ansem?
LMAO I am also gay....Oh and iwantmyanime i agree, but u should have chose demyx hehe
Opps soz. Its actually: Imbeciles A mummy What does captain hook say to rikku at hollow bastion?