the guy who made it could have made there clothes look better or they could have bought clothes.
i got to go i will be back tommoro
walks in the restraunt we order the same dinner steak we feed eachother with our hands.
its the sleepinglion keyblade
good luck but you should try to get on level 80 and then try that would make him a tiny bit easyer
who do you think the big boss is in kh3 do you think its someone from ff like anyone.
what she said!
idk how to buy this stuff lol.
stops kissing and says are we there yet?
continues to kiss moonkie
looks at mookie and starts to kiss her and he does kiss her.
no ones mad and everyone agress with me "read the other post" and its <3kairi so plz next time read.
everyone id like to make a toast. today we become men today for the girls they become woman today we become kh.
shut-up mari throws his shoe at her face leans and kisses mookie on the cheek.
"turns on some music to cover maris bad singing" thank god for the radio i thought
takes mookie's hand and walks her to the limo"opens the door limo" ladys first me and mookie get it and seat down.
the limos here!!!!
haunnah the limos outside.
when i was like 6 i was on a trampoline and the trampoline collapsed cause there was like 7 people on it and i broke my leg. and i rode a horse once and fell off and broke my leg.
"starts to cry" your my dream girl mookie. "stops crying" haunnah is the limo here yet?