+1 Lyoko Warrior recruited! Any more takers?
I must say that I really liked those photos. I've never seen snails so snaily and bees so striped before. I guess their european versions much be prettier :D. The 2nd Bee, snail, and the dragonfly are my favorites. Especially because here the bees are not as fluffly, the snails are always hiding, and I can never find a bloody dragonfly thats a color other than green! x3 Good job on the photos. Its a shame you'll totally ruin those places if a dinosaur fossil is found there and you end up digging it all up o:
Du spise bamser og ikke hest? Weirdo x3
Is it true that you eat cats? o:
When do I get my autographed finger painting from the esteemed Ashycakes?
Code Lyoko is the best anime ever. Amirite? Down with Xana! :D
Might change tomorrow~
Being inFamous wouldnt be that bad. I hear its quite a shocking experience :3
And as long as you keep being awesome, you shall always be Famous. Unless you're like, dead or something. Then you'll be Dead o:
Good day to you young friend! Still being Famous?
Did you try scanning your computer with another program such as AVG? And definitely write down that USB error message when you can. Some viruses can disable USB ports and such, but it might not necessarily be related.
Neo-Human > Arrogant Human :D
I'd hope not xD. That's definitely not something good to be awesome for. I thought it was those awesome shoes o:
KH-Aids > KH-Porn
What makes you so awesome?
Awesome. I'll bring the Nothing with some Air dip. Also I hope you have a DreamBox since I got a collector's edition of Reality:Imagination-Paradise.
I can join Rissy yes?
I cant wait to play LBP whenever you're on. Im adding RoxaSora2010 too. More fun :D
LittleBigPlanet! <:
Im so close, I guess I'll just substitute the 360 for the PC :D