Okay... Username:roxasloverdarius Type of Pic: Roxas and Sora (If so can you make it look like it's raining? If not that's just fine.) Character: Roxas and Sora Text: Why's it like this? I don't know why I said that about the text...I really don't know why...
You've never annoyed me... why do you think your annying, if anyone is annying, it's sooooooooooooooooooooo < << <<< <<<< <<<<< <<<<<< <<<<<<< <<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<< <<<<<<< <<<<<< <<<<< <<<< <<< << < Me. and really I'm 99.9% sure of it!!!
XD!!!!! I don't know what I've got but I'm 99.9% sure I'm getting an I-Pod.:D (Finaly!!!)
I might see it, my friend is almost done with the book and she keeps on telling me to read it... + everyone says it's good.:D
...I said great.
I'm listening to my dad watch a movie.
I've stayed untill 5:35 A.M. Please don't slap me.
Come on don't leave know!!
So that's why you were gone so long!!!! I was right?
I already did....sorry. I like your pic!! LOL:D
Here are 2 pics of me from yesterday. One I took of myself and the other my pain-in-the-butt sister took when I was talking to my friend on the phone. :D Teh heh
Mish is funny!!! :D Anyone agree? That sucks XxAxleEightxX, when did that happen?
I'd stay with my friends. They are most important to me!!!:p
Mine too...:o
Why do you hate us? :(
I like tangarings... random, yes, I know. <.< >.>
Are you talking about me? I don't want to if so because I wouldn't know who their personalty is like. (thats a hint, I only like people for their personality.) <.< >.>
I don't knwo who would want to marry me...No one I'm gessing.
I'm a baby for not telling but I can't! :( It's to embaressing!!!! WAY to embaressing!!!! (Sorry that I can't spell.)