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  1. Kaori_12
    Haha you know it, girlfriend! I just drank coffee so I'm not sleepin anytime soon. But anyways we have to do something tomorrow so call me, peace.
    Post by: Kaori_12, May 28, 2007 in forum: Archives
  2. Kaori_12
    Hey I'll bet you 10 bucks that in Spanish class Tuesday Alyssa will be like "say pedicure!!!" Haha.
    Post by: Kaori_12, May 28, 2007 in forum: Archives
  3. Kaori_12
    Hey gays, get on AIM.
    Post by: Kaori_12, May 28, 2007 in forum: Archives
  4. Kaori_12


    Kairi, it is not your fault! It just seems like everyone is having a bad day today! I'll just get off of here right now, and that will be the end of it. No hard feelings. I mean, seriously... I've never even played Kingdom Hearts. TTYL!
    Post by: Kaori_12, May 10, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Kaori_12
    Definitely! But call me whenever you get home 'cause I've been trying to call and nobody is picking up! :mad:
    Post by: Kaori_12, May 8, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Kaori_12
    Girl, I sooo know what you mean! Whenever that time of month comes up, I just put on that one sad Britney Spears song or watch Titanic while shoveling ice cream down my throat and drowning in self-pity. We should do it together someday. Ah well, 'night![/QUOTE]

    Haha...We should do that, but I don't think Titanic would make me cry... seen too many times lol. Then we'll just go to Random CHilds house and harrass the nieghbors...

    Technically not harrassing... just screaming random names... :p

    Seriously! I've seen it sooo many times, and I still cry every single time I see it... although I think it's mostly the hormones. And oh yes, we are going up there tomorrow or something and Cindy is gonna get it sooo bad, haha! She's gonna wish she'd never been born! LMAO
    Post by: Kaori_12, May 7, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Kaori_12
    The best kind of ice cream to eat!
    Mint is my choice when I put in the sad movie, some sad music, bust out the box of tissues... have yourself a good cry and take the ice cream and eat.... with a SHOVEL! :p

    Girl, I sooo know what you mean! Whenever that time of month comes up, I just put on that one sad Britney Spears song or watch Titanic while shoveling ice cream down my throat and drowning in self-pity. We should do it together someday. Ah well, 'night!
    Post by: Kaori_12, May 7, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Kaori_12
    Well... I guess I'd better finish this stupid book report. Did I tell you I lost my book? And it was a library book... opps. It's weird... I've been losing everything lately!
    Post by: Kaori_12, May 7, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Kaori_12
    Are you freakin' kidding me? I'm eating ice cream right now! Mint chocolate chip with whipped cream! Mmm! Yumm-y!
    Post by: Kaori_12, May 7, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Kaori_12
    Aww girl, LaFONda misses you! She thinks that Cindy just wants to get IN us :eek: ! Woohoo I'm going to the YMCA on Friday! :D
    Post by: Kaori_12, May 7, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Kaori_12
    Girl, if you are lonely, why don't you just spend the night at my house??? You know you're welcome here ALL THE TIME! You, me, and LaFONda are gonna play some Uno, paint our nails, eat some chocolate, and own at The Godfather! Yeah, baby! Woohoo! What are you waiting for?

    Eww! I think she just wants to be a sexy lady like us...
    Post by: Kaori_12, May 7, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Kaori_12
    It took me a while but yes, so I decided to "squire" on in here, haha... CINDY! JOHN! JOHN, YOU GET UP HERE RIGHT NOW! OMG, freakin' hilarious! My voice is gonna be gone by tomorrow!
    Post by: Kaori_12, May 7, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Kaori_12
    Oh Kairi, oh foolish Kairi... the word is: JOHN! LMAO
    Post by: Kaori_12, May 7, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone