Picture 2 gave me this strange feeling that something is walking on my head :wow:
But Roxas can wield Keyblade and he doesn't have hart... right? What ever, I choose A...
I always, and I do mean ALWAYS take the most powerfull Keyblade I have... Nothing else matters.
I have to say that I don't really like either of them very much, but I think I like anime a little bit more. So I voted for anime.
Well.... I bought PlayStation 2 and Kingdom Hearts came with it... that's all. Or, maybe I had heard about it in TV before that, but wasn't very interested.
Twilight.... I may look like a good guy, but when you make me angry... you can't stop me from destroying everything.... lol! :)
I just.... love the story! It is like, first you don't understand anything what is happening. In the end, it's all clear and you have to play this story again :D
I think it was the first Super Mario game...
I voted "Riku's counterkick which deals heavy damage" First times I played it, that really was annoying. Now, it is easy to beat him. I know what to do when he falls on his back, so he can't hit me with that counter anymore :)
Okay now, tell me what kind of KH fan are you? And how you became fan? My touching story: :) When I got PlayStation 2, Kingdom Hearts came with it. I didn't have a Memory Card, so I couldn't save the game. I got bored when I played it like.... 6 times to Deep Jungle. I stopped playing it. I left it to my closet for few years. Then.... last summer, I was bored. It was raining and I had absolutely nothing to do. I looked in to my closet and thought "What am I gonna do? Not a single one game I could play..." Then I just took Kingdom Hearts and startet playing it, even if I thought it sucked. I played it... pleyed it... and played it. It was getting better every minute. Now I had Memory Card and could save the game. Now I knew, why everyone said it was good game. The story was amazin! But... when I finished the game, I was bored again and I HAD TO GET THE SECOND PART! I bought it and finished it as well... 3 times! Now... I am writing a story about Kingdom Hearts. It's the same story, which is in the game, but the characters are members of wrestlingforum. I am Sora, ofcourse :D EDIT. This site has been a great help with that story. If I don't remember something, I just come here and watch the video
What was I thinking? Actually, I was thinking something like "Damn, this game relly sucks!" And when I played the game, I still though it sucked! When I played it some more, it still sucked... :D I was wondering, why was everyone saying this game is so cool... :) Now I'm a big fan.
Actually, in both KH games I like the fights against humans. In first game every fight against Riku are my favourites. They are not easy, but they are not too hard either. Also, every fight against humans in Coliseum are nice.
Yeap! There's so hard to learn to fight. And then, Giant Ursula was so freakin' hard! In the KH2... Hmm... I don't know, it is way more easy than firts part. Maybe the hardest is The World That Never Was, because those last fights against some Organization members was pretty hard. Last fight of the whole game was the easiest of them all :P