RIP mountan dew ( it got overraped)
just had to say that soz
Child abuse
I am dead I am eating a candle i hate larxene
True Dat...
oh damn... where's the exiiit!! I'm not a giiirl!!!!
he is Garfields nobody....
Sub-zero from Mortal Kombat... he kixed ass
i know ^^ ... ... ... ... right ...
choose- 12 or 2 or 8 or 99 ? and who is number XII of organisation XIII
thanks what....( okay... that's just weird O.o )
I get that O.o
Keyblade kittens .... -_-
what does "^this" mean....?
Is that wasp raping a can? sure looks like it... ew.
nice avvy, savvy?
Damn right...
Right.... i take back all my words... now i'm hungry...
YES WE CAN (spam) so why not then... btw i think its very unlikel its true cosunless u got a gigantic windowthing spids cant hold their balance... EDIT:jeez what happened to my hands there... funny...
right... this is pure spam.... 2 bad.