It's me^^ again...^^ Is any1 here who can give these codes to me? -MonoKB is replaced by Darkside -Valor has Normal Sora's outfit (non-shining) -Roxas (Ally) replaces Donald -Roxas (Ally) replaces Goofy And 1 more question, if i use Roxas (Ally) replaces Donald/Goofy, is the 3/4 Sora fix needed? Would be pretty nice if you could help me^^
So i just need to reConvert the code to RAW, search the weaponmod line and change it? cool :'D
Alright^^ But btw, i've got anoter question to the Warrior Form, which basically was made by 00Roxas00, is it possible to change the weapon/shield with the weapon modifier? If yes, it would be pretty cool, cause everytime i try to change the weapon, it freezes^^
Ah.. Well, i thought, because you Play as KH1 Sora after you played the start with Roxas, anyone could use his Model, Doublewield him and so on... but i'm no Coder, i'm not able to do something like this^^
Heyyo evrybody : D I looked through some Pages of this forum, and i saw this Code on Page #130: DW KH1 Sora 11CFA3FC 000006C1 01CD2E7F 00000009 21CF0774 58455F57 21CF0778 00303130 1033FEC0 0000???? <- Right hand weapon mod 10340C64 0000???? <- Left hand weapon mod Is this Code Pal? And when i want to insert the Digits, i have to use the digits from the normal WeaponModDigits or the ItemsEquipmentDigits?, only question that's left, is this code PAL ?
Ohh..THIS Region... ... Epic Fail^^ Thanks NarutoSuperKubii... I thought the RAW code wasn't PAL..^^ ----------------------------- Well, i tested the code, but everytime i try to attack it T-Stances :S
Nah, i knew that i forget something important^^ Could you please port it to PAL?My knowledge of Code-Porting is not as great as a peanut^^
It'sa me :) Question to the Code: Play as Anti Form w/ Finals Mset---Jokered to R2 E006FDFF 0035BA5C 21CB9BF4 5F303031 21CB9BF8 464C5448 21CB9C14 5F303031 21CB9C18 46544C55 21CB9C1C 65736D2E 21CB9C20 00000074 I've converted it to AR-Max with MAXConvert, and i've got something like this: FWEF-TKF0-4EJMA 7XW7-NHHK-CUG1V JZ2T-MK7Z-NNUW5 M58K-PGTW-VAU4C FF0R-B809-RJYG8 JXDP-AE41-GDVVD 8HZP-FPW4-C3CZW M2CU-V123-3P0R2 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 Is it enough to convert it like this, or is it possible that the joker doesn't work if i walk into another room with R2 pressed?
Alright, I'll try them right now ^^ thanks for the quick response :D It's me again : D First of all: Nice work, Wheel of Time, all of these codes worked for my Mastercode. 2. Can anybody give this "Press R2 while entering a new map to port to Xemnas Battle at skyscraper" code to me? It would be really great, i love this Battle *-*
Heyya Guys, i'm pretty new here (and German, so sorry for my bad english skills btw^^) and i know that the most of the codes i want are posted on the Mainpage, but i had some trouble with the (M)-Codes. I found 2 working Mastercodes, but some of the AR-Max Codes won't work for both of them. 1. Master-Code: (M) 38AU-05A9-91WMV 9ZCM-08JU-UKV6W 2.Master-Code: (M) MFAZ-77XN-4KGCKB B26G-P32D-RC506 So... I want some codes for the FIRST Master, but i can't find them at any page, so i thought you could help me out... Codes i wanna knew: -9 Drive Bars -Stay forever in a form(If a code like this does exist^^...) -Drive w/o Partners so.. how i said, it would be nice if anyone could help me out^^