No, I was really disappointed. The only one that was mildly good enough was that rooftop thing, and even that I was disappointed by- we should've clashed more often. That idiot dragon I wanted to punch, and when he was sitting on that thing it was just like...that's really, not a fight, it's just far too disappointing. I second whoever said "All of the Organization members" Although it was a nice touch to have their nobodies there, really good idea. They should've done more.
Saix he needed to kill, Luxord he needed to fight at least, if not kill. Same goes for Xaldin, he needed to fight him but not kill him. *Mourns Demyx* He's not evil, just misguided. Axel's death was the most useless thing like, EVER.
Anyone but Xemnas. That was...disappointing.
I'm not sure. I mean, for alot of the times, he was FORCED to fight them. I mean, perfect example, Beast's Castle. He couldn't just let Xaldin get away with kidnapping Belle, and he had no choice to fight Xigbar. So, in a way, I think he was justified, because he had no other option really. But...I don't think they're the villains that they're made out to be, except Xemnas.
Pretty big...or it could end up being more of an intellectual battle instead.
I agree, it's probably not the best marketing desicion. I mean, people will go and buy PSP or DS for games, cuz they know they'll use it for others, but I can't imagine people buying a phone just to play Coded. Here's hoping for DS!
I would love to see what Pluto was doing during all of this time, I think he's a much more important character than anyone gives him credit for.
He's strong, and I have a feeling we're going to see that in either Coded or the next game in the timeline.
Reno, totally!
Totally when you're fighting Xigbar, that was the most entertaining one of the whole game!
Heya!! Welcome!! Hope you enjoy running the site!! Will deathspank still be doing the spank's top five for the videos each week do you know??
I hadn't played the first game first so I was like "heyyy....random guy! Go away!! I wanna see Sora!!"
LOL, These are so funny to read. Let's see, what would I do... Sora: Oh wow! You're cool!! Can I have a hug? Riku: Kick him. Hard. (Not a fan of him...) Kairi: Aww, I feel sorry for you...have a cookie! Namine: You're an awesome drawer! You should get a deviantart page!! Roxas: OMEGEE I want ice cream!!! *Glomps!* Axel: *In awe of awesomeness* Can I have an autograph for my bff please?? Demyx: *GLOMPS!* Xaldin: *Hit with a brick* You were so annoying!! *Shove him with his own spears* Larxene: Hey, you're cool, can you teach me how to use lightning?? Marluxia: FLOWER POWER BOY! *Runs away real fast* Seifer: *Bops on the head with a struggle paddle* That's all I can think of right now...
Sora's style.
Olympia because the Chocobo takes away magic, which can be crucial in a fight.
Sounds great!! I'm sure they'll all live up to the KH legacy...well, as much of it as there is so far anyways. I really wanna play BBS now!!
Happy new year!! My resolution is to stop procrastinating so much ^^
Because he's King Triton. I think he's somewhat akin to a Merlin type of figure for that world- they just know stuff, because they're wise like that. As to how he got the information though, I'm not too sure. Possibly he has some unknown powers in the game that enable him to see things like that.
I use cheats for all the moogle stuff cuz that's dang hard. And I think the regular cheats are fun to mess around with and stuff too.
Fall/Winter 2008 or Spring 2009 at the latest I think. We'll be able to figure it out better when the Japanese release date comes out too.