... anyone find the infinite hp code? the code on codejunkies doesn't work and yes i've double checked if it was typed in correctly.
what does the command modifier do? and the reaction modifier too! can it make me do reaction commands when ever i want if i use them together?
can you mess with the characters? like make the stretch, different colors, fat, skinny, stuff like that?
the cord got cut, revenge from my sister or ???, but i cant use the yellow cord.
I'm trying to connect my ps3 to my at&t S-Video set in the back of the ps3 and I managed to get sound out of it using another RedYellowWhite cord so i just need video, my yellow cord is broken btw. PS. MY AT&T DEVICE IS A U-VERSE CABLE BOX, IT HAS 2 SETS OF PLACES TO PUT THE REDYELLOWWHITE CORDS AND A S-VIDEO PLUG IN AND OTHER USELESS STUFF, FYI........
is their a code that allows every party member you invite to gain max experience? that would make the game less annoying for me.
could you have terra on kh2?, NOT KH2FM.
I'd say breaking dawn THE EPIC BIRTH lol, horrible... i hated the first one, too much of Bella's thoughts were on Edward, uh Edward bothered me on the first one.
i just want the codelist to work,i don't want to make another a.r. max cd, if theirs a way to do it without burning it on another disc i would like to know. thanx for the reply...
no its actually the codelist that supplies the a.r. max with codes that you get when you have access to the max codelist manager or the max drive software option instead of having the default codelist. I need to learn how to get my codelist.bin file into a codelist.max file, i think thats how ar max reads the codelist.
how do i save my codelist to make it work on my ar max? it's saves as a bin file, do i need to change it back to a max file? i wanna get codes for kh2 but they wont work on my ps2, its not loading my codelist, i used max code manager and made my codelist with some codes for kh2 but the ps2/ar max wont read the codelist i made, not even the official codelist
how do i save my codelist to make it work on my ar max? it's saves as a bin file, do i need to change it back to a max file?
my resolution was set too low and the OK button was off screen, thanx for the help guys. do you guys have any codelists you can share. how do i save my codelist to make it work on my ar max? it's saves as a bin file, do i need to change it back to a max file?
how do you take a screen shot? here i'll show you, kinda. DIRECTION TO SETTINGS OPTION it's right below "export favorites to AR Max" then: mirality systems 2.3 MAX CODELIST MANAGER V2 Settings -Export------------------------------------------------------------------- l O Pal O Export to maxdrive saves folder l O Export to specific USB (or other) drive l O NSTC O Export to all removable drives l l O Both l -------------------------------------------------------------------------- im trying to change it to nstc but when i try i cant get out of the settings option. theres no exit button option like the one you see on your internet explorer right now "- Square X" its not there.
its on my computer not on the console
what does it stand for?
What's dma?
I cant get out of the settings pop up and well i'm stuck every time i attempt to change it to nstc it wont let me exit, is there a X button or what? i'm pissed
it's not relevant to just a single game it should have all the codes ITS YOUR CUSTOM CODELIST you generated on your own, it's for ar max users that just put the max file on their pen drive and will have access to all the codes on the max file, or codelist bin. not sure which. but still it's good to name your games your focusing on in the codelist, example: ((FILE)) what ever its called, (it should be an attachment if not mediashare it, lol. upload it to mediashare.com i mean.) main codes: kingdom hearts 1 & 2, metal gear solid 3, devil may cry 3 (these are your main codes you input the most, your own custom codelist you worked hard on)
I think this has been tossed around a bit but idk, instead of typing in all those codes or worse using your controller!!!( like me) why don't we share our "codelist.bin" or "MAX file" files! so i'm hoping for people willing to submitt!!! also when you put down a codelist put what games you focused on so we know what do upload or download what ever the word is...