THANK'S! I've been looking for these code's everywhere! i'll test them tommorow...
Port? Could anyone port these's code's to PAL AR Max format? Hercules is Shadow Roxas: 11C841AC 00000754 Meg is Shadow Roxas: 11C84480 00000754 Phil is Shadow Roxas: 11C84034 00000754 Pegasus is Shadow Roxas: 11C84754 00000754 if it's possible.
Roxas boss? Is there a way to make mickey(orginisation suit) a boss? (or roxas (not Final Mix version) on the normal Kingdom hearts?(you know i mean the version that you play as) if it's possible(i know it cant be possible just wondering)
A Kingdom hearts hacker which is a REAL MAN!
Boss modifier's Now what we need are some boss party modifier's just like in KH2 ;)
im gonna do riku vs axle
no i mean its still frozen from when i had my trouble(before you told me how to fix it)
ok thanks(its still frozen i codent be botherd to reset it lol)
i mean poese(ummm the thing when you stop the game and choose abilytes i just dont know how to spell it)
wait your allowed to poues the game as rikuO_O
i dont have rikus limit(i dont even have riku on my team lol)
when i go against an ememie(with thr riku code)the game freeses plz help
i found the real working riku code dont beleve me try it(codebreaker dont use ground combose(but your allowed to use air combos)just test it) 11CFA3FC 0000089B 01CDCE77 0000002E 21CDCE78 7465736D 21CDCE7C 00000000 21CDCE80 00000000 01CDCE96 00000023 01C88E64 00000005 10340E60 000001C6 10340E66 00000001 11CDCE9E 00000002 20340CE4 00020100
I Can Convert now so if anyone wants me to convert just ask me and ill do it(not all of them work thoug)
could anyone convet this to PAL Ultimate Sephiroth Press and Hold R2 (and some other bosses, not sure which ones tho) RV85-60EC-ZWP1J JZYP-UVEJ-FD4ZT WPMP-YY7D-AWKFP J4G1-ZA15-0FK7N UVHZ-D1DR-DU7NB MUT5-HN6M-95TQA 5FCW-NREV-BQ8TM 8DV7-6XXG-VGNXC
could anyone convert this to PAL? Play as T-stance Riku ZB27-E3JT-E18Z3 QB48-XVHW-CW56K
dous anyone know the ARMAX code for riku's command scream
the jokerd code for ARMAX can someone convert this to PAL Kingdom Hearts 2 Music Mod E2W2-3E4W-Z59NZ PG7K-EQRD-JTZMR DRK0-ZCG7-ER0NG this code makes normal music Nothing Boss Music One Winged Angle and makes would map's music Under The Sea :silence:
oh ok i dont realy care ill just look for it then
whats the jokerd code for ARMAX?