For me it´s definately the scene in Hollow Bastion (first visit)... When Sora releases the heart and they start to playing that song... Soooooo very beautiful... One of the saddest and most beautiful moments I´ve ever seen - all categories... Makes me cry every single time...
WOW!!! Yeah... That´s a really cool idea... They could have such attractions as "The Magic Carpet", "Gummiships", an underwater tour in Atlantica and so on... And when you get tired and need some rest you can go chilling and having a paopu fruit in "Destiny Islands" or having an ice-cream up on the clocktower in "Twilight Town"... =)
Okey... Then I will probably try Xenosaga... Lokks intresting of that little I´ve seen of it... And if you like it then I take your word... And Final Fantasy 6 and 4 is taken then... and then maybe after that I´ll give the earliest ones a shot too... =)
Thanx a lot everone!!! Glad to be here... =)
I am from Sweden and I´m working as a firefighter... I played KH1 with with a friend on his PS when it came and really loved it... Later on we played KH2 together... And when I got the games myself I really became obsessed... Hehe... Almost... I´m a big Sora-Kairi fan... And also likes Namine very much... I don´t make many or especially good videos... But if you wanna check my videos out I go under "sorasheart" in User Portal... C ya all around!!!
Okey!! Thanks a lot for the info!! And I think most of the games are avaible on PS too - in like Final Fantasy Origins and Final Fantasy Anthology (looked that up yesterday). Ok... Well I wouldn´t sat I´m a master on video games - but it can be nice with a little challenge... =) Stilll intrested in Xenosaga if anyone has any experience of those games...
Hey... I´m wondering if anyone have played the Xenosaga games?? And if so please tell me a little about it and if it is worth playing and stuff... Also I have a question about the earliest Final Fantasy games (1 to 6)... Are any of theese worth playing??? Thanks alot for answers!!! Also if you have any other good recomendations for rpg:s I´ll be glad!!! I love KH and Final Fantasy - thats my style...
Yeah that would have been cool... But I would get soooooooo mad when they attack Kairi... =(
Hehe... =) Yeah... That´s funny.. But dunno... Makes me feel bad when I do that... Kinda wanna apologize to him after...
Actually I have no problems with D&G (Dolce Galbana lol)... But I really think it´s ignoring in KH1 that they always stands in the way for the sight... Especially when you are playing with the white mushrooms... And Goofy is soo tall all you see is he´s face... =) "ignoring"......... lol.... sometimes my english really sux...
Ooh... =( Ok... Thanks for the info... But maybe one of thoose princesses gets sick and they have to call in Kairi...?? lol =) Still going anyway!!
Yeah... Sephiroth is pretty cool!! =) Guess that guy is such a big freaking weirdo as I am... =) If I´m having a daughter some time I maybee call her Naminé... Tould my mom about that today and she wnted to kill me... =)
Yeah!!! Would be really cool... And by the way... There was 0 Ansem... I forgot that one... =)
Look what I found out... This is a list of how many people in Sweden with firstname: Kairi: 12 Naminé: 0 Roxas: 1 Sora: 0 Riku: 53 Xemnas: 0 Xigbar: 0 Xaldin: 0 Vexen: 0 Lexaeus: 0 Zexion: 0 Saix: 0 Axel: 14678 Demyx: 0 Luxord: 0 Marluxia: 0 Larxene: 0 Selphie: 0 Tifa: 13 Yuffie: 0 Aerith: 0 Cloud: 0 Cid: 7 Leon: 1500 Sephiroth: 1 Yuna: 7 Rikku: 1 Paine: 1 Olette: 2 Seifer: 0 Maybee I should change mine to Sora and be the very first one in Sweden.... =)
Just got this amazing e-mail from "Disney on ice"... When the show is in Sweden next year the theme is "Princess Classics " and is about "seven beautiful and brave princesses"... Oh man what I wish they´d let Kairi be one of thoose seven princesses... You can always hope!!! =) What do you think??