*Calms Down* Thankx I Wouldnt Really Like It If There Is Nothing But The Kingdom Key and No Dual Weilding Emma Wemma Why Not E.W For Short?:)
BIG MISTAKE! NO Dual Wielding! Extremely Bad! Id Prefer That You Can Get a DW Ability AFTER Getting Another Keyblade: Like Hidden Dragon Or Star Seeker and With it on Enemy's are More Harder. Why Not Pass That Damn Messige To The Director!:yelling:
I Think The 14th Member Should Have a an Element Similar To Saix's A Sun Element The Weapon Should Be Gauntlets And Grives Soaked With The Power of The Sun
I Would Think The Revenging Sun Works For Xion I Dont know if She's A Sun Element
This My Second Story Hope you Will Like it Instead of My Old Story The Light, Darkness and Whatever. This Story Refer's To Final Fantasy 6 But KH Version. But let's What you think? Chapter 1: The Beginning 1000 Years Ago a war Between Nobodies and Heartless Have been caused. even though the power of magic was Lost. Yet there 13 Nobodies and Heartless Seek to Reawaken The Dreaded Power. Who is Truly Foolish enough To repeat that Mistake? Biggs: That's The Island Wedge: Hard to Belive There's A Frozen Summmon There During The War Biggs: Nah Probabally Another wild Goose Chase Wedge: What about Him? Biggs: ah Yes Our Wizard Warrior, I Heard He Fried 500 Of Our Nobodies In 3 Minutes Kinda make's your skin crawl does'nt it? Wedge: With the Slave Hat on his head, He will do What we Will say Biggs: Were going to appraoch From the East Move out! On the Way to Destiny Islands, The 2 Nobodie Soldiers From The Organization and Their Slave On the way to destiny Islands. and Awaken The Dreaded Summon. SoldierA: Noboditek Armor!? Not even were Safe anymore! Wedge: Listen up, Surrender the Summon or we will tell the Emperor, What a Sport You Guy's Are SoldierA: Once We send you running you back to The World That never was. That Destiny Islands Will never Submit To you. Wedge: *sigh* Biggs If you Would Please. Biggs Starting to Charge up his Fire Beam Up and Fried Up 200 Soilders in One Go. Soldier B:Open Fire! But They made a Mistake! Shoot The The Tank not the Pilot. Biggs: Amatuers, They Need Heavy weapon's To deal with Us Wedge: No **** Biggs ????:................. 30 Minutes Later Biggs Wedge and The Boy. Is inside The Mines Searching For That Summon Wedge:There It is! Biggs: Holy Christ 1000 Year old Monster It Give's Me the Creeps Wedge: Relax Let's Just Pick up the Summon and Biggs: Uaaaahhhhhh!!!!!! Valigarmanda Just WASTED Biggs Wedge: You Did this!? Do You Know..... Oh Shi WASTED!!! Valgarmanda and The Boy Starting To React Ther Powers A Huge Explosion Happen's In The Mines End Of Chapter 1
Not bad. but when did you Make this and Posted it?
I Changed Chapter 2 Beacause I Realized The story didnt Sound Right! Chapter 2: Battle "So if it Isnt Xemnas The 2nd Leader of the Organization" Says Xerules "This my Organization and You are not Part of it!" Says Xemnas "If that's How it's Going to Be. Then i shall snuff them all Out!" Says Xerules Xerules Summons a Huge Beam of Light and Darkness Hits Xemnas. Axel's Throws His Chakrams at Xerules. BUT UNFORTUNATLY Xerules Manages to Catch his Chakrams and Throw it Back at him!. "OOF!" As Axel Falls Down as he Got hit by his own weapons! "Hahahaha!!!! How Pathetic! One of your Nobodies is No match for Us! Says Xerules Ikaz Summons Some Sort of Mechanical Nobodies Mixed With Magic "Xemnas! what the Hell Are those Nobodies?!"Asks Roxas "They Look Damned Familliar. More Like A Magitek Armors From Final Fantasy 6" Replied Axel One of the armor's Uses Ice beam and Fire Beam on Xemnas and Axel. Roxas Get's His Oathkeeper and Oblivion. One Uses thunder Beam On him. But Roxas Reflected The Beam And destroyed The 2 Armors. The Trio Xerules, Ikaz and Joge Escapes. "Why Would Our Orginal Founders Attack us Like that? there must be a leak somewhere!" Say's Roxas "Uuugggghhhh" Xemnas and Axel were seriously Injured By the Magitek Beams. Roxas Uses Some of his Power to Portal Xemnas And Axel to The Room Of Recovery in Castle Oblivion End Of Chapter
Hello I am the Melodious Nocturne Thank you so much to be In this Thread and Read my story If You Like It Then You will be Welcome In this Thread anytime By the Way here's My Story Chapter 1: Bewilderment A Deadly silence Fallen at The world that never was One nobody Who Wield's A Staff Claymore A 15th Member Who was an Orginal Founder Of The Organization And Two nobodies Who Guard's Beside Hime The Founder's Name is XERULES And His Guards name's is IKAZ and Joge One Of Them Weild's 2 Of Riku's Soul eaters and The Other Weild's A Keyblade That Is Forged With Darkness and Light This Must be Our Castle Said Xerules Think They will be Glad to see Us? Said Ikaz Not a chance Said Xerules Hang on He's Coming Said Joge Hm? Notcied Xerussell What do we do? Get him Cant Argue with That and So the Trio Are The one's out to Attack Two Boy's With no hearts Going Back To Their Twilight Home One Wield's 2 Chakrams And Command's Fire With those Weapons And One Who Weild's Two Keyblades and A Boy Who was Once A Hero who Been Turned Into A Heartless Their name's Axel and Roxas Roxas Do you know Why We Exist? Asked Axel Beacause We are the empty Shell's Left Behind By The Heartless when they taken over our Hearts to darkness Said Roxas A Clang Heard From A Distance Who's There!? Shout Axel Summoning his Chakrams Ah Just what we're Looking For: Said Ikaz What Do you Want? And Who are You?! Said Roxas Let me answer That. We Are the Orginal Founder's Of The Organization My name is Joge And This is Ikaz Our Leader Is Xerules a Portal Suddenly Appear's Xerussell I Know that Name Interupped Xemnas.
Interesting this is. I got Xbox 360 and halo 3 Got all the skullz, Completed the game on legendary got the hayabusa armor. I know what some of the skullz says. death comes witha heavy price: Iron Feild promotions for everyone: thunderstorm. but a dog beat me over the fence: I Would have been your daddy and Light a match: Grunts Birthday party. you may not belive me that's fine but it is True. Bash your way to better health: Black eye, You'll miss those at the back of your head: Fog.
has someone got 13th dilema Music and Axel's Fire Ring Beacause the one i have Freezes up the game when it starts and Same Goes For My Twilight towns mansion door closed one as well :(
Codes needed can somone give me the code what i want which is The 13th stuggle music, Axel's Battle Arena, saix (can go beserk) Can someone make me a Code that can be done like Saix Ally code. I want a Demyx Ally code, Destiny islands Darkside battle arena and Twilight towns mansion Door Closed. HUGE Credit for those who give me the Codes For Real In ARMAX Format
Wish i could help you there But I Dont have codebreaker And The Digits Why not Look Through Pages?
Yeah this maybe enough I Cant Have Everything Right? But i'm Trying to do is to Convince you guys to make this thread the Ulitimate Source Of PAL Codes for Kingdom Hearts 2
I Need Those code's To help me make a video on YouTube No code's No credit! So where is it?
Codes wanted Sorry to bother You guys i just dont know when to stop here's the list of what i want Enemy Weapons All keyblades Saix Replacement codes (can go beserk one's) DW Roxas ally codes And Finnally Maleficent's Castle that's all i wanted, Remember: Credit!
Room codes Wanted! I Want a code for Some Rooms which is Station of awakening But allows Any character beacause the one i got doesnt allow My Characters in it im trying to make a hacked battle but the map i got does'nt work just for observation Same goes for the world of nothing Final Xemnas battle My castle oblivion map does'nt work at all and i want Villans Vale Remember: Credit for those who give me the Right Codes
Room Codes not working I Tried Some Room mod codes and they does'nt seem to work but do i need the Joker Code? this code Room 3- Where Nothing Gathers 23X5-6V8C-WMCM7 U8H0-NHTG-X598M 0YWT-JMZX-MQUAY Of course i tried Pressing R2 While entering another Room and Didnt work so i figured that i need the Joker Codes! So someone please tell me and Credit!
i Think those are hooded roxas allie or hooded riku codes but you will never know unless you try it!
Codes wanted! There is some codes that i really want here's the description Saix ally Xigbar Ally Riku's soul eater Axel 1st battle replacement Roxas ally DW Room codes Such as: Dragon xemnas battle Final xemnas battle Xemnas throne room 13th order room Remember: credit for those who give me these codes or made them
org13 ally codes needed! hello i would like to have some org13 ally codes beacause i would liek to see them work here Demyx codes Saix codes Xigbar codes Luxord codes Xaldin codes Xemnas codes i want them plz and more credit for those who made the codes and tested them (it works)