Mmkay, stickin' to the theme of group heh heh, just list of the people & which Org. XIII member they are I made...waay back in chat. Please lemme know if anyone is left out/misspelt/wrong or whatever. =) Thanks. Ultima Queen of Hearts = Xibar Kairi~Sora = Marluxia firefly151 = Zexion Ambiko = Demyx rikuxking = Saix The road to Darkness = Roxas Hopefulwishes = Axel Sorax13_Roxas13_92 = Xaldin Jaxphin = Xemnas Vexen_Is_God = (guess who?) Vexen ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ = Luxord (hehe) Darktorith = Xaldin#2 Rainbow~Monkey = Larxene
Ummm, tough choice... =) I Really <3 the Roxas one, The Music one, &...the new ones of Elizabeth ^_^
Heh heh heh...quite a chatty bunch we are eh? lol ;P
Blah, haven't been here in forever! How is everyone/everything? =)
Blah....haven't been here in FOREVER! Heh heh heh, How goes it all? =)
Awesome =) Great to hear from you.
Yesh haha of course! =) It's pretty awesome!
Hola! ^_^ heh heh how goes it all?
Ah I see, lol very nice! =} hmmmm, nothin much to tell, is a girl (hopefully odviously), & Kingdom Hearts, FF, LotR, ect ect ect. ^_^ you?
Haha it matters not to me =}
Heh no problemo! ^_^ Someone HAD to do it! lol was getting far too confusing!
Oh lol very nice.
Heh heh alrighty will do! Thanks! =}
Hola! I'm doing great! And yourself? =}
Heh I'm doing pretty well! And you? ^_^
Hola! Awesome cool cool thanks! ^_^ Nice to meet you! =} How goes it all?
Hola! =} Love your pic!
Sure hope that helps! ^_^
Haha mmkay! 'Ello Again! It is now time for...*dun* *Dun* *DUN!* THE LIST! =} My forward apologizes for any misspellings or missing/leaving anyone out. Here we go! =) Kairi~Sora = Marluxia firefly151 = Zexion Ambiko = Demyx rikuxking = Saix The road to Darkness = Roxas Hopefulwishes = Axel Sorax13_Roxas13_92 = Xaldin Jaxphin = Xemnas Vexen_Is_God = (guess who?) Vexen ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ = Luxord (hehe) Darktorith = Xaldin#2 Rainbow~Monkey = Larxene