You could say that's "Great"
OK. Can she see our posts?
Disabled? What does that mean? (I know what the word means just what happens on here if her account is disabled?)
I think she's banned, that's probly why, but then, how is alice online?? O.o
That's good..
Alice is online again....
I'll call him Linda, that's exclusive to me only!
NOOOOOO! Hi Libby!
Libby! Good to see you again!
Awesome. Once Again, angel owns.
Angel RULES!
I'll take those cookies. now. Am I on that ownage list?
There's nothing to do here anymore..
*Gasp* We must stop this diabolical plan!
What Plan?:sweatdrop:
Gimme Cookiez!
darn you darkelven123! you get more kisses! :D
You do know there is like, 13000 members here...