yes, i think it is pretty not right to make it on a cell phone. Well too bad that all of us wont have it. I hope At&t can use it cause i will be getting it. do you guys think it will?
Well im on youtube looking at random KH stuff cause im a KH fan/nerd but this is the right place to come to with all of my KH nerd friends =].(not an insult) Well does anyone have any idea on the correct release date or time of BBS? Will it be in the US?
is Com harder than KH1 cause i dont want any surprises.
Thanks for clearing this up. Mabey someone should make a video about it cause it kind of makes me mad as well
Im not the Typical guy but i think all the KH are worth getting man so go for it
Hey guys im Zendos. My real name is Jeremy. I am i lover of KH byt i have only beat 1 and 2. I am making plans to beat any others that i have missed. The only that i can think of is COM. But im ganna get started with my profile and my sig and stuff so i can start being addicted to the site lol. Well hello and i hope you guys love me =]