when i enter the book there isn't a house just faded trees and paths thats it. i can not go anywhere else in the book i can not go anywhere else in the book i can not go anywhere else in the book i can not go anywhere else in the book i can not go anywhere else in the book i can not go anywhere else in the book
ok heres the thing as soo as i enter the book i can only run around it and just leave i cant do anything there. do you know anything esle that i could possibly do?
when im in the book i can't do anything and whats a gamefaqs?
yes i go inside the book each time i get a page and nothing happens and now i have 3 pages how many are there in total?
i only have 2 pages atm
i keep going back to the book but nothing happens how many pages are there?
i have now completed the game and i would like to get 100% (kh-1) but i can't put the pages in the book and i wanted to know how so if anyone could tell me that would be great. thanks
holy crap dude you were right i would have never notice those head things unless you said something about it i finally have the final 2 peices and i couldn't have done it without you thanks man
im trying to find the 2 last stone peice to put in the door in hallowbastion but so far i only have the 2 for the top and bottom i can't find the 2 for the left and right and i have no idea where to go. does anyone have any idea where the other 2 are?