I could trip in nothing slip on grip tiles
i hear ya im just a clumsy person like anyone else
after 2 days of being unconscious Vrealix got up and Asked "where am i?" he asked anyone closest to him
oh that must suck
im fine. you?
Vrealix woke up after his future cast on the ground a few minutes later only to be punced in the gut a cheap shot naturally "You are a jerk if we weren't friends i would kill you here and now" he said infuriated "That and im tired as i can possibly be i surprised im awake right now" he thought to himself Vrealix staggered over to Helixs unconscious body and kicked him in the ribs with what strength he had left "ha i got in one good one" he said staggering away before he could wake up and attack at such a close distance.
Hello to you too
we dont mind at all i mean why should we
"no not really" he answered calmly he pointed teh tip of the long sword at Helix "Ive had just about enough of your mocking attitude" he told him angrily sheilding himself with an electric barrier he opened up a dark portal and entered it he came up behind helix and slashed quickly "Uhhhgh" he dropped to the ground "Not..........now..not .....not here" he held his head weakening instantly by the dark foreboding vision. He fell unconsciously to the ground
"Helix" Vrealix Said calmly "What the heck have you become?" he said sullenly and then he was angry "HELIX" Vrealix yelled then he exploded with energy Electricity warped reality as it was touched darkness began to form in Vrealixs eyes and then at his feet he was just radiating darkness then he transformed his sword from its regular guillitine size to a long sleek black and white blade the blade was black and the hilt was white Vrealix dispatched the nobody altogether sending it back to the darkness where it will not return from "Now its one on one Helix" he said angrily
Vrealix created a bubble of electricity around him as a barrier to protect from oncoming attacks electrocuting the dusk as it attacked at his back "Yeah well you cant touch me untill i harm you" he said viscously he stood very still laughing at Helixs face at the explosion
Lets put the word out there of this group
Vrealix caught the scythe and launced it back to helix "Remember this i do not hold back he lurched forward in insane speed he surged lightning bolts to helixs right the left he appeared above him and threw the sword direcly down at him then he dissapeared
"Hmmm not to brilliant of you you didnt notice the lightning bomb i attached to you when you punced me." he said the bomb set off and exploded Vrealix waited for the smoke to clear
Vrealix moved evasively to the left then to the right he noticed the dusk had reattached itself right after he had disposed of in "No...." he looked a little upset but then remembered he should probably continue to evade tehn he lurched in at the dusk pushing it into the scythe while Helix slashed his sythe splitting it into two again Vrealix took the opportunity and jumped on the flat edge of the scythe and ran up it he thrusted forward with his blade
Vrealix waited till the last second for the dusk was right behind him he summersaulted backwards allowing the dusk to be serrated by his blade he then ran the length of the dusk cutting it in half "Your turn" he said
i hear ya it is lame and why hasnt that guy said anything else
Vrealix swiftly dodged the odd dusks attack and jumped into the air in a flash "Cold Thunder" he stabbed the ground and a feirce wave of electricity crippled anything it touched from pillars to obsticles
a lighting bolt struck Vreals hand and a guillitine sword materialized in his hand he pointed it at Helix "Prepare yourself it will not be made easy" he said enthusiastically "Ready or not here i come" he ssaid quickly while in a whisper it sounded as though he added the word *Pansy* to his sentence
"You are just as infuriating as ever!" he said ecstatic that he was going to get to fight "Now gome on you jerk it would help if you were not trying to irritate me." he said "Xara where exactly are we going?" he asked