Same here I hated that book and usually I like just about every book I read
sorry g2g i'll be on later
my little brother lol same here lol
Same here lol I'm working on a site
hey how are you
yeah do you like to read?
me neither umm... do u like harry potter?
Does anyone wanna talk? It could be about anything.
Wrong I'm a girl.
Ok. I'm working on that right now.
i'm guessing male
Ok thanks. I have been looking at jiminy's journal. I'm on Neverland now.
Ok well I already beat Olympus Coliseum. I'm almost done with Monstro.
I like it. I can't wait to see that movie.
Lol. Thanks
I know. I couldn't believe it. I told my mom about it and she couldn't believe it either.
That's what I started out doing. I am going to play it later.
It's nothing like High School Musical. It's a tv show about things that go on in different high schools all over the country. They show things like pranks that get pulled and things that are terrible like one episode was about a kid from Columbia getting suspened for wearing the flag of his country on his backpack.
Has anyone ever seen it. It is a show on MTV.
Ok thanks. I will try that when I play it later.