Wow... 6 years of KHII. And 10 years for the whole saga... omg, I feel so old. And to think that I was against the game 10 years ago... Really, I was like "Disney?? And Square?... p-lease, nothing good can get out of that". And then a friend bought it and some days after that she said "I know you don't like it but I'm stucked in Tarzan world and I don't know what to do, please can you try it?" And I was like "¿Tarzan? O_o really...". As a favor I began the game to see where she was stucked and... I finished the game in 3 afternoons. Yep and I didn't liked it at first... yep. Now I even have the final mix versions and the japanese versions. I still remember when I was waiting for the KHII to be released. I watched and rewatched the secret ending of the first KH. Unfortunately all I know of Chains of memories is thanks to the cutscenes and the info I gather around because I haven't played it, I'm so bad with that card sistem that I gave up.
Thank you everyone! Oh dear, really? Once I get in I'll never be able to leave? Well then... I'll do my best and try to fit in, you know. It's eternity we're talking about! XD Yep, I'm going straight to the KH3DS discussions to know more! I wish I could play it but with the region restriction of the 3DS... ugh... Anyway, thanks again for the welcome!! :D
Yep, once and for all I decided to make myself know around here. I've never introduced myself but I've been aound from time to time, checking news and posts. Anyway... it's never late to join, right? :D So, "hello everyone"!! :D I'm sure we'll have many things to discuss and get to know around this place. See you!!