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  1. DarkTomboy
    "Ewwwwwww!"Lie yelled a bit "I hate cabbage"She said in the afetia,Some luaghed and got a tray they sat down eating tacos.
    Post by: DarkTomboy, Oct 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. DarkTomboy
    Some and Lie passed Senic giggling "No...It would be better if we can afford a moped"Some said giggling,Lie nodded as she smiled.
    Post by: DarkTomboy, Oct 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. DarkTomboy
    "What all we need to know wher we are a"some said lieing down,Somey looked at ssome "Yes where are we we crashed down heer bt no clue where we are "She added.
    Post by: DarkTomboy, Oct 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. DarkTomboy
    Some got up still panting and fell leaning on Somey"I'am dehydraded right now think you can carry me"Some asked some,somey thought "Sure and plus your as light as a chicken"She said laughing hard "HAHAAHA! very funny"She yelled at her madly "Awwwww..She looks like you almost when you where acub Somey but yo have that scrath from momo"She said smiling."Crazy dog"Somey said madly looking at the cub "Where are we"She asked
    Post by: DarkTomboy, Oct 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. DarkTomboy
    Some and Lie talked and then they put on some new cloths Some wear a black tametop that showed her belly alittle but made her bioobs look big,with some blue jeans tight a little,Lie where the same but with a white shirt and black pants.They walked out talking
    Post by: DarkTomboy, Oct 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. DarkTomboy
    Somey came to a Little girl"Hello"She said,Somey ran up faster and stopped and started to pant"OXYGEN!"Shwey elled panting hard,Somey look "See you should've walked"She said sticking her tongue out,Some made a madl ook "UGH!"She moaned
    Post by: DarkTomboy, Oct 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. DarkTomboy
    LOL!I thought you meant you'r dad when you typed Dazzled LOL!
    Post by: DarkTomboy, Oct 27, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  8. DarkTomboy
    OHHH!Creepy I want link too!
    Post by: DarkTomboy, Oct 27, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  9. DarkTomboy
    The blind of the hotel room were open you could see thenm sleepign in there beds.
    Post by: DarkTomboy, Oct 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. DarkTomboy

    Bic:Some walked in a dorm and saw a girl sitting on a bed listening to music"Hi I'am some"She said smiling a bit,The waved not looking "I'am Lie I had a freind named.....SOME!"She yelled hugging some"Lie???Oh my gosh it's been years"She yelled,hugging her back!
    Post by: DarkTomboy, Oct 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. DarkTomboy
    Somey heard the howl"Did you hear that Some"Somey asked,"Nope I have earwax"Some said,she picked her ears Somey ran "Come on"She yelled,as she ran to it Some folowed.
    Post by: DarkTomboy, Oct 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. DarkTomboy

    Who am I?

    Go in poll!!!!!Lol I feel yelly!
    Post by: DarkTomboy, Oct 27, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. DarkTomboy
    Ummm..Was I added?Lol prob not that CubancleGem thionks iam whats its name.
    Post by: DarkTomboy, Oct 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. DarkTomboy
    Xigabr laid on a bed smiling "Gosh I remeberd thie bed littleer"He said as she laid on his side

    Zexion sighed and laid on another "WEll I"am going to bed night"He said getting in the covers and fell asleep

    "Us too"Luxord and Xigbar said getting in there bed and going to bed
    Post by: DarkTomboy, Oct 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. DarkTomboy


    Some then brought a pokeball out Sarah-bulbasuar "Ok Sarah use razer leaf!"Some yelled,Sarah did razer leaf on te twevle,the Twevle dodged it fast"Wow it's fast"Some said wit a amazedl ook,"Ok now do Lulaby"She yelled to Sarah,Sarah picked up Twevle and began to sing a Lulaby Twevl then fell asleep
    Post by: DarkTomboy, Oct 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. DarkTomboy
    ooc:K Byz

    bic:Some stopped in a cave and walking in it with somey"Somey go in front so theres no danger"Some said,Some did but somey was going to slow so some actiddently(SP) stepped on Somey's tail"OWWWWWWW!"Somey howled,as she wasi n apin"Well go fast sorry"Some said stilling walking
    Post by: DarkTomboy, Oct 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. DarkTomboy
    K thanks

    Bic:Some got out of the ship "Dang it see somey I told you not to press the blue button"Sh said sighing,"Well..sorry!I'am half color blind!"Somey yelled,as she got out of the ship dizzy.Some got Somey and they walked off "Now where in them iddle of somewhere and you ripped the mad!"She yelled,to somey Somey eyes got big "Oh that was the map I thought that was a maganzine"Somey said madly,sarcastic.
    Post by: DarkTomboy, Oct 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. DarkTomboy



    bic:Then a poekmon came and blasted Momo with water gun"HEy !WHAT THE HECK"Some said madly,she got out as she saw a twevle boy,the twevle looked at her in the bikini and looked away and growled a bit in anger"Why you hit Momo what we do"She yelled,Momo got up and screeched loudly the twevle looked mad and walked away.
    Post by: DarkTomboy, Oct 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. DarkTomboy
    age:what ever age highscoolers in
    personallity:Happy sycho,smart,hacking,evil a bit,very shy
    appearence:she wears a bikini black a jacket open to see it and baggy pants that show the bikini bottom a bit
    other:nothing else
    weapons:fenir,sleeping lion

    age:same as some
    personallity:shesl iek some but she is more sycho
    appearence:she wears a white bikini a blakc jacket with fur on hood opens up alittles,and black pants that shows of bikni bottom like some
    weapons:Hidden dragon,axel's weapons
    Post by: DarkTomboy, Oct 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. DarkTomboy
    ooc:Am I added?
    Post by: DarkTomboy, Oct 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home