Me too. My mother's such a loser, cuz three day shipping was really cheap, but she didn't go for it. >_< Oh well. Hopefully it will arrive this weekend. And thanks, Soraoscuro, for the cutscenes - I don't mind watching them before I get the game, because I'm really impatient.
xD On the Gummi Ship world map, I like to bump into the worlds with barriers around them (because you didn't unlock the door thingy). It's actually a lot of fun. :P Also, after I complete Pride Lands, I like to go to the Peak and harass the millions of Heartless at the top. THWACK!
Well, I'm playing "Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time", and I was wondering something. Is it possible for Pokemon to be shiny in this game? I'm asking because I've just been introduced (in the game) to the Pokemon Celebi. Normally (in every Pokedex I've seen and the Pokemon movie) Celebi is GREEN. But when I saw Celebi in the game I'm playing, she (Celebi has a gender in the game) was PINK. So since Celebi's PINK instead of GREEN, does that mean she's shiny? If she is shiny, isn't that supposed to be super duper rare for a Pokemon to be shiny?
No, I didn't beat Sephiroth. I actually took down 1 and a half of his life bars. Stupid Sin Harvest. I wanted to beat the crap out of him. <_< Now, I will return to the Ice Titan. I wish I could just spam Firaga at him. The battle would be done in 30 seconds. =D Also, I wish they'd let us fight the Phantom/Kurt Zisa more than once, like the Ice Titan and Sephiroth. KZ/Phantom were the most fun bosses for me. I hate that they're gone forever once you beat them.
*Note: I was levels 70-75 when I took on the following bosses... I decided that since the Phantom was easier than I expected, I decided to take on the Ice Titan. The first time I saw him, I was like "Holy crap, he's HUGE!" I had no idea he was so easy. But I defeated him in about 10-15 minutes. So then I moved onto Kurt Zisa. SO easy. He went down in 8 minutes. The key, for me, was Tinkerbell. So, since 3/4 of the optional bosses turned out to be big sissies, I thought "Maybe Sephiroth isn't as hard as everyone claims." So I confronted him. I was totally wrong. He was way more than I expected. That stupid long cane of his is SO annoying. It's not fair - it needs to be shorter, at least by half. It took me 20 minutes to get his first life bar down my, like, an inch. So I will be fighting the Ice Titan until I get to level 100 to take down Sephiroth. Oh, and when I battled Sephiroth for the first time - I had MP Rage and a lot of Megalixirs - I pretty much spammed Ars Arcanum for, like, 20 minutes. And if you have MP Rage, Sephiroth is like an MP Giving God. Lol. It was weird, every time I used a Megalixir, Sephiroth used Sin Harvest. So when the halo appeared and I lost all my MP/had only 1 HP, the Megalixir was in midair and filled me up right that instant. I'm like "Nice timing."
(I think this is the place to post a topic like this. If not, sorry.) Is there any Action Replay codes that do the following: -Automatically makes it so that you have every Pokemon on your team. -Makes it so that any Pokemon you encounter, there's a 100% chance they'll join your team. -Makes it so that a specific Pokemon is in the Friend Area (if you already have it) I'm asking this because I'm seriously bent on getting Mew to join my team. I just love the cute little guy, so yeah... If there are any codes that do anything above, please let me know. If not, I'll have to get to level 100, have a friend bow, go in alone, and hope for the best (which I don't want to do).
Sheesh, where to begin? HSM and HSM2. Those movies just plain suck. Bad acting, and the songs were like living nightmares. They give Disney a bad name. Dragon Wars. Holy crap, that has to be THE worst movie ever produced. It had absolutely no point, it made no sense, the acting was terrible, and the whole thing was like a random story. It was impossible to follow along on what was happening. That movie needs to be destroyed. What a waste! Superbad. Funny? Not really. They pretty much cussed the entire time, trying to be funny. Eragon. The guy who played Eragon just couldn't act. 'Nuff said. I could go on and on. But I can't think of any more movies. =D
I'd take a giant metal bat and thwack it to death, screaming "DIE!!!!" =P
I think when you beat the game the first time (with Sora), and then you beat it on Reverse/Rebirth, the Ultima Weapon is unlocked in Sora's mode and you can buy it from Moogles.
Well, I'm just very happy I decided to finally face the Phantom (at level 62). I followed a game guide and it worked perfectly. I can't believe some people say he's so hard. He was actually very easy - even Doom wasn't a problem. The number on Pete's head never dropped below 11. I defeated the Phantom in about 7 minutes. I was so surprised the battle was that short, I restarted my Ps2 so I could face him again. And again. And again! I'm fighting him for the third time. =D So I'm just letting you people know I'm glad I finally defeated him. Now I'm off to get the Ultima Weapon and defeat Sephiroth. =D (For me, I don't know which one will be harder. <_<)
Since I already beat the game, I started a new one and I'm already in Atlantica. But I'm gonna spend all this week in Traverse Town and Olympus Coliseum to level up a whole lot. (Like, up 20-25 levels)
I was actually expecting to see him at the end of the game. Like, maybe just a glimpse of him, or something. The game made it sound like you wouldn't get to see him at all. I also thought he'd be wearing something more....adventure-ish-like. Not his old-fashioned Mickey Mouse clothes. In KHII, he looked really cute in his black cloak. =D
Years ago, I was at my friend's house. While I was on his computer, he was playing Kingdom Hearts. At first, I thought it was stupid. My first thought was "Is that boy (Sora) fighting with a giant wrench?" It seriously looked like a wrench, for some reason. He was fighting Kurt Zisa (of course, I didn't know that when I watched him). Then, on another forum, I saw a lot of members talking about Kingdom Hearts, so I Googled it. It actually looked pretty interesting, so I begged and begged my mom to buy it. Eventually, she bought it, and I started playing. I loved it immediately. =)
The first time I played Kingdom Hearts, I tried fighting the Heartless with the wooden sword (when you're supposed to talk to Riku and get the Keyblade). I had no freakin idea I was supposed to talk to Riku. I was like "Die, dammit!", but I would always end up dying. Lol!
I already posted, but I have more. Uhhhh, let's see... Kingdom Hearts - Other than getting lost in Hollow Bastion, the book-puzzle part. Oh. My. God. That was the most confusing puzzle known to this Earth. 0_0 Also, the Stealth Sneak battle. (Sure, call me a noob =P) God that thing was annoying. At first I didn't know it could shoot lasers or whatever the heck comes out of its hands and eyes. Every time I tried to give myself a Potion, the Stealth Sneak or Clayton would kill me when the potion was in midair. Crap. CoM - 100 Acre Wood. I hated that place - Pooh got distracted so easily, I just wanted to leave. The second Larxene battle. ACK! That teleporting move of hers cost me half my life, the creep. I laughed when she faded away. The fourth Riku battle. Dark Aura pretty much covers it after you've used up all your zeros. Kingdom Hearts II - I was so mad when I didn't see Sora at the beginning. Lol. I almost chucked the game in the washing machine. Atlantica....the singing....the damn singing.....just awful. That's it. Ugh, some of this stuff is so scary,
Oh, I remembered a few other things. =D - I'd go train my magic with Merlin, but instead of magic, I'd use the Keyblade on the moving furniture. Since the furniture doesn't take damage from the Keyblade itself, I had a lot of fun attacking the dresser non-stop. - During the Cerberus fight, I went to the very top of the stands and went into the first person view (when you hit Select) and watched most of the battle as though it were a movie. Of course, I still had to doge the lightning balls and dark auras. I pretty much let Donald and Goofy take care of themselves. That's it for now. I'm gonna go find some other wacky things to do. =D
=D Sora♥ Kairi Naminé♥Roxas Axel♥Larxene OfT: All the boys I mentioned above have look really hot in what they wear. Lol. (Sora in his KHII clothes, Roxas n' Axel in their Org. XIII clothes)
So I was thinking of getting Re: Com. (The hard part is convincing my parents to buy it. =P) So, basically, all I need is a PS2 (it says my PS2 version is SCPH-75001), the Magic Keys (A, B, and C), the Swap Magic discs (CD and DVD), and Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix? (<---- I think that's the only way to get Re: CoM in the US?) Thank you for helping out a weirdo like me. =D
Omg, this is FUN! Just reading this topic is enough to make me laugh! When I'm through reading all your fun adventures, I"m gonna go do 'em. When Axel was frozen in time, I (playing as Roxas) attacked him for hours. It was a lot of fun. =D I'd play tag with Donald and Goofy in Twilight Town, but I would jump onto the Tram and they'd try to tag me. Lol. During the fight with the Shadow Roxas, I ran away from it for a long time. I jump off of Pride Rock tons of times because I wanted to see a lion skydive. =D ------ That's all I got. Now I'm gonna go do tons of fun stuff on KH and KHII. =D
Ugh, the GBA version. (For me, that is.) Things seem so much easier in 3D in Re: CoM, and in the GBA version, you only have a small space to run. I haven't played the Re, but it sure looks easier. Besides, I think it most likely is easier to run around with the analog stick. Pressing the directional pad practically non-stop and spamming the A button can really make an impression on your fingers...literally. The X button on the PS2 is a whole lot easier to press without your thumb begging for a break from playing cards.