LOL i luv your icon. no sexy for you! xD
Larxene. so many people hate her, but she's my role model >:D
Larxene No Doubt. I say Larxene. Why? Well, Larxene is my favorite KH girl...and she seems more powerful than Xion... :ff10sora:
Micky Mouse Whom Everyone Loves :) It's sad. Micky is a great character and one of the first Disney characters, too. I hope that his new voice actor doesn't make his voice sound too different. I wish him luck as well. And farewell to Wayne A.
I'm fine. Bored, but fine. :D
Larxene all the time!! can play Larxene, right? RIGHT? RIGHT?!?!?! cuz Larxene is sooooooo awesome, she's my favorite character in the whooole game!! tee hee!!
*sigh* school so hard -_-'
oh i'm good...just doing nothing :D after all, it's what i'm best at^^ i'm not so happy though since school starts tomorrow for me.
hello^^ how r u?
um well how are you, then?
What?! the HAVE to make FM in English, or at least give English subs, i don't care, i just have to have it in a way that i can understand it! i mean, my favorite organization member (larxene) is there, and i really want to fight her in FM! BADLY! and there's secret cheats and everything! OOHHH I WANT FINAL MIX!!!
what pisssed ME off? a LOT of things: 1. i can't believe they killed larxene! 2. xemnas uses a lightsaber (star wars rip-off!) 3. with the ice giant, you had to reflect his ice crap, and i got him to 1 last health point, and then he just stood there, with his hands on his forehead in pain. he wouldn't throw his ice shards at me, and i was out of magic. so basically, i was unable to attack him because HE wouldn't attack ME, which SUCKED because he was almost dead, besides that, he was supposed to be one of the hardest bosses in the game -_- 4. sora was THE keyblade bearer. there is one keyblade, yuffie says THE keyblade chooses it's master. then they give, riku, mickey, KAIRI (for heaven sake!) ven, roxas, and xion. sora should be the only keyblade master, because there should be only ONE keyblade!! 5. they gave sora DONALD AND GOOFY for partners? you've got to be kidding!
My orgaization name... Well, my name is Kayla, so it might be...(gets pen and paper to find out)... yaxlak? axalyk? kyxala? layxak? kalxya? well, i can't think of any more. i like axalyk the best i think...
xion! i choose no, she's hot, why would i want her gone. but i'm a GIRL. and i'm totally straight. i don't understand why they had to put "hot" in the yes section O_o
larxy x roxas i'd have to go with larxene and roxas...
Larxene larxene is my favorite character in kingdom hearts. i didn't want her to die!!!!!!!!!
AkuRoku is a no go... personally, i HATE axel x roxas, i mean, maybe it's because i think people took the whole "roxas made me feel like a had a heart" thing the wrong way. we all know that he didn't mean like THAT. of course, fans can dream, but we know that they aerent a REAL kingdom hearts pairing, but a simple illusion made up by miss-seeing fans. please no flaming me, i'm only saying what i think.
roxas + xion?? i like roxas + xion a lot!
pie or cake?? well, i choose pie myself. here's why. cake has many flavors: chocolate, strawberry, cream, coffe, ect. notice that no (at least i've never heard) cake ever has any fruits in it besides strawberry. i don't think chocolate counts as a fruit 0.0 anyway, i've always liked fruits and pies are usually only fruit. i mean, unless you count pot pie, but that's a whole different subject. pies have coconut cream, cherry, strawberry, ect. of course, there are always the additionalflavors: chocolate, pumpkin ect. But this is only my opinion. wait...does pumpkin count as a fruit?
yay!! I'm so happy 0.0