That's be awesome to have a friend like that. PS: Your sig is awesome.
edited again. enjoy your ban.
Edited for being gross
YOU LIE! How can you not like it? It's the definition of hot.
1.79 MBps I believe edited again
edited for disturbing content
I am a huuuuuuge ass
-Edited for Gross Content-
What's so funny?
I went to 4chan once, I hated the layout, I had no idea how to register/post a topic, and by some offset chance I went to /b/ and saw one of the many pictures of Goatse. I'm never going back again.
8800 GTS: $169.99 2GB (2 x 1GB) 240-Pin DDR2: $39.99 1GB 240-Pin DDR2: $21.50 I can't find one that slow, if you'll settle for twice the speed then this ones pretty good. 16X DVD-ROM:17.99 ASUS RAMPAGE FORMULA: $288.99 Total: $538.46
It's not just a doubt, no matter what I do I just can't get myself to like Cheesecake. Everyone says how they are so awesome and if you don't like it then you have no soul (This was all on GameFAQs) but I just can't force myself to like it.
Well would you mind posting the specs for your uber computer? I'm very interested in finding out how much your pwns mine.
I don't really like the taste of Cheesecake, it just tastes bad to me but a macadamia nut cookie is pretty much the equivalent of sex.
Can you tell me the specs of your computer? You make it to be a top of the line computer that us mortals will never even be able to dream of getting.
Damn, this will ruin my sleep schedule, I'll be up into the wee hours of the morning.
Maybe because for us yanks it starts to get darker earlier.