I find your username to be highly ironic, given the person I know you for. Here I am, finding you willing to ask for public audience and opinion from those you do not know, rather than coming to me and discussing our issues. Both Mixt and Makaze are correct in their views (in my opinion). But to know that you'd rather ask for help from those who have no physical jurisdiction over the situation, where you had the option to attempt to contact me and work things out, I don't even know what to say. I've asked you time and time again: "Are you alright?" "Should we talk about it?" "Do you need some space?" "Would you like me to come back another time?" I've been patient with you for all this time. I've made every effort to show you that no matter how badly you mess up, I'll always be here. I'm always waiting until you deem it a possibility to come and talk to me. I've waited for so long for you to just open up and tell me why, but I end up needing to learn here. I'm sorry if it's so hard to talk to me. I'm sorry for being a disruption. But I'm not sorry for trying to be there and help you. I see who you are, both outside and inside. Everyone I know is against me being with you because of how much you hurt me. But I'll still stand against them and continue to care about you.