My worst Kingdom Hearts experience in KH1 was Sephiroth.Talk about the bane of my existence. Never managed to beat the demon.Although I found him surprisingly easy in KH2. Also on a lesser note trying to find all the ingredients for any ultimate keyblade:$. Talk about wanting to set your hair on fire.
Well I would have to say the funniest or rather stupidest thing I ever did was miss a trinity mark in Deep Jungle.It memory serves me correctly there is one at the top of the giant tree.Its green so it blends in with the ground.I spent hours looking for the final trinity and had passed it probably 6 million times.I never missed it again after that believe me lol.
I have to agree with you Kingdom Hearts 1 wasn't perfect.The camera was atrocious not to mention the horrible Gummi ship segments.:$ But it did have the perfect balance between Disney and Final Fantasy storyline.You had a reason to go to every world and each world had a specific villain. In number 2 they focused too much on the antics of Organisation 13 so that when you fought a Disney villain like Scar or Shan Yu you were kinda going "What's the point in fighting these guys" because they were not the major threat. And the amount of cutscenes must number more than MGS 4. I havn't played any of the handhelds other than Birth by Sleep because I didn't feel like they added anything to the main story they just gave background info. How about the worlds?I absolutely loathed Atlantica and Agrabah.Loved Halloween town and Traverse Town was my favourite.
I personally love the main 3 games.The story,gameplay,music,characters and the concept of blending Final Fantasy with Disney is fantastic.Still at 22 I'm loving the series most recently the amazing Birth by Sleep. However Kingdom Hearts 1 will always be my favourite.None of the follow ups were able to balance the story and gameplay quite as well as the original.Number 2 was sensational but lacked the exploration and simplicity in terms of story of number 1. I thought BBS might recapture the magic that I had while playing the original but it just didn't happen. Can't help but feel like the series slightly outgrew itself after number 2 with all the subgames as I like to call them. Did anyone else feel slightly betrayed when Chain of Memories came out for Nintendo and continued the story? A lot of people including myself was very lost playing KH2 and trying to catch up on everything that happened in Castle Oblivion and not to mention who the hell Roxas was lol I always felt like Square were trying to squeeze money outta the franchise and totally changed the direction the series story was going after Kingdom Hearts 1. This definitely seems to be the case now with 3D and Birth by Sleep Volume 2 supposedly coming out. By the time Kingdom hearts 3 comes out I'll probably have totally lost interest in future of the series.I really don't want that to happen but with so many overbranching stories and games I feel like the Kingdom Hearts series is heading for a meltdown. I think they should return to the drawing board and look at what made the original the best. Return to the difficulty and exploration but include the battle system of BBS and try and give the series a definitve ending instead of dragging the franchise into eternity to the point nobody will want to follow it anymore. Whew what a rant lol.Just wanna guage others peoples' views on this.Do you agree that the original KH is the best and if so why?