Green symbolizes the wind as well. It is better if it would be based on speed and tricks. I mean getting abilites like 2x faster running or auto-counter <-- if you get hit there is a XX% chance that you counterattack for example. And on top of that you aquire the magic Aero/ga if you master this form :P I couldn't imagine that the heal range gets increased. I mean curaga has already a wide range...
Ahhhh, me too!!^^ But I trained with Tidus! Deflecting his attacks give you 2 Tech points ^^
Nobodies are the best =D I just wish there would be more Nobody bosses ( No I don't mean Org. 13 ) like Twilight Thorn
I want Mickey's keyblade >_>... please T_T's so shiny...
The ending was almost perfect for me^^ But I wish we could have seen Selphie, Tidus and Wakka, too.
Fat bandit...because... he is fat muahahaha >=D No, really, I don't like when they spawn that they take almost 1/5 of battle platform/space. Sheesh >_>;
I think the reaction commands were good enough :P I just wish you wouldn't gain any experience by them, then I could start a REAL low level challenge :/ But it would be better if there would be these Behemots from the KH 2 trailer.
A form with two keyblades but Sora should hold them backwards like Zidane with his daggers or Ven with his Keyblade.
Huh? Kingdom Hearts is scary? Jeez then they should rate it "M" for mature ! (No, he is not scary at all - in my opinion :P)
Having Tidus as partymember is a good idea. I just wish he would be in KH 2. Imagine doing a Limit-attack with him... oh jeez. I hope after BBS that in Kingdom Hearts 3 you can choose Tidus to be in your party, even if I doubt that.
Yeah Phantom I didn't know you could stop the clock until I used "stop" accidentally on the clock tower. I was kinda suprised. But that gave me the chance to defeat him^^. And Sephiroth isn't that hard ... if you know his pattern it's easy ^^ and dodge roll makes it even easier.
Xaldin ! He was a tough one. But it was cool to fight against him ^^
Dragoon because I like their design and weapons. I wish there would be a Dragoon-keychain. That would be awesome!
No way! It's dodge roll ! xD (Even though he didn't have dodge roll in KH 2 ( but in KH2 FM+ ))
I like your theory about this. So yeah, what are my thoughts on this symbol... The color of the symbol reminds me pretty much of souls because of its blue tone. What's bugging me is that the blue tone gets darker and darker when you look from the beginning of the picture and scroll down slowly. I would like to know why. Maybe the brighter part symbolizes that there are good "Unbirths", too? And the black part is for bad "Unbirths"?
Roxas I like how he swings his 2 keyblades :P
Yeah of course why not?^^ Just imagine seeing Zexion seeing with different books :D He would be like "Yay more diaries for me!" Or Saix with his big weapon xD
Sephiroth for me! I mean it's one battle where there are no disney characters involved in battle... That makes it pretty much epic. (Yes, I hate Donald when he gets hit and screams "HEEEELP!")
Nope. I live in Europe and yeah I have to wait. But I don't know if I should get it :/
Saix ! I like his weapon and he made Sora knee before him ! Bwahahaha >=D