The secret message at the end of KH3D hinting at KH 1.5 was included in the american and european release as well. It would be a real dick move if KH 1.5 would become a Japan only release. I'd go berserk.
I hardly had any trouble with the kh2 bosses (discarding sephiroth O:< damn him... but all of the other bosses (including demyx, xaldin, xigbar and luxord) i could defeat in one go... heck I didn't even know you could get saved by mickey until reading about it here! 358/2 days however... the spider /tentacle heartless boss in halloween town was HELL, thank god for fire magic and elixers O3O.
Yes it is, it was intended as a pun, because it's pronounced as the Greek letter "Chi", and makes it sound similar to "key"
same here, but the second one was really good too :)
I discovered a glitch in the first Xemnas battle, When he jumps on top of memory skyscraper, use magnega, while having him locked on. Xemnas falls down but you can still use the reaction command. It looks really funny, as if Sora is fighting the magnega.
Great plan! It serves him right. The *******.
Please let it be global, I'm really looking forward to this game! I'm even saving money to buy a NDS!
Does this mean it will come to Europe too ?
Yeah I Need That Sora Action Figure!!! And Lot's Of Keyblades, I Want Them All!!!
sounds like really nice codes, but how do you enter them????? i would really want to try them :ff10sora: :ff10sora:
i would choose the oblivion keychain, and destroy all anoying people at my school!!!! and after i'm done with that, i would make a sora costume with my super cool magic: :ff10sora: :ff10sora: :ff10sora: (no the KH 2 one), show off with it and try to save the world by destroying all evil on the planet :yelling: YEAH!!!
He's the best!!! funny, good at fighting, nice hair and he has awesome clothes!!! :ff10sora:HE ROCKS!!!:ff10sora:
the kingdom key, but oblivion and oathkeeper are cool too..