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  1. NovaParadox
    Im abandoning this story, if anyone wants they can take over, just fix the first part up a bit. You actually wont hear much from me anymore
    Post by: NovaParadox, Jul 19, 2008 in forum: Archives
  2. NovaParadox
    hes really difficult, the king had to save my butt both times, other then the sniper dude at the world that never was id say he was my toughest opponent, just try to spam the learn ability that thing is really useful, sometimes you can get like 3 learns per one of his attacks
    Post by: NovaParadox, Jul 18, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  3. NovaParadox
    person on the left has jaundice...
    Post by: NovaParadox, Jul 17, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. NovaParadox
    if thats kairi on the middle right she looks like Lucy from elfen lied after her hair is cut, dont know why but she reminds me of her
    Post by: NovaParadox, Jul 17, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  5. NovaParadox
    the sniper dude i dont like, frigging took me days to beat him at world that never was, freaking crazy sniper thingies going every which way really hurt, i figured it out though!
    Post by: NovaParadox, Jul 17, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. NovaParadox
    Then thats 255 moves and then he starts struggling
    Post by: NovaParadox, Jul 17, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. NovaParadox


    Who was the boy?
    Post by: NovaParadox, Jul 17, 2008 in forum: Archives
  8. NovaParadox
    I did not know nobodies other then Org XIII, Namine and Roxas were capable of speech
    Post by: NovaParadox, Jul 17, 2008 in forum: Archives
  9. NovaParadox
    REVERSAL – Yet another thing after KH2

    Note from the author – “This is my first ever fan-fic ive analyzed several other ones so I’m going to try and test my ability at this, please provide ideas on how to make this better.”

    Chapter 1

    ~ The start of it all

    Three weeks had passed since Sora, Riku and Kairi had returned to Destiny Islands, Three weeks of explaining to parents where they had been, Catching up on some well needed sleep and slacking off. After reading the letter they were at a loss of what to do, Their journey seemed to be over for the time being but it was going to be hard for Sora and Riku to settle down after over a year of fighting non-stop. Not to mention eventually they would have to go back to school and go through the grade they missed.

    That day was the same as every other one that month, they were at their island, Riku was working on doing some repairs and upgrades to some structures of destiny islands and Kairi had gone back to the mainland to pull together some lunch for everyone. This left Sora with Tidus, Wakka and Selphie.

    “What are we going to do today?” asked Sora with a bored tone before he started eating a Sea-Salt ice cream bar.

    Tidus and Wakka looked at each other for a second before they turned to Sora with a grin on their faces.

    Sora sensed what was coming and took the bar out of his mouth, “No more Blitzball, that’s all you two want to play.” Wakka and Tidus both looked crestfallen.

    “Come on, you can’t think of anything better to do!” Tidus pushed.

    “I’ll be the referee!” Selphie exclaimed excitedly

    Wakka just chuckled, “It looks like your outnumbered Sora.”

    Sora seeing no way out of it finally surrendered, “HEY RIKU!” he yelled over to the silver-haired teen working on the dock at that time, “TIME FOR A BREAK, I NEED A TEAMMATE!”

    As Riku slowly finished what he was doing and began walking over to the group Sora gobbled down his ice cream and clasped his hands over his mouth. “Too much salt…” he whispered weakly.

    As Sora ran over to drink gulps of water from the pond Riku stopped and put a hand to his head, “Odd how the Keyblade master can defeat things five hundred times his size but when it comes to eating some ice cream he’s hopeless.”

    Sora pulled his head from the water, “Hey, I heard that!”, he then proceeded to shake his head like a dog to get most of the water out of his hair, leaving it hanging down almost like Kairi’s.

    “So what are we doing?” Riku asked even though he had already guessed the answer, as Sora walked back.

    “BLITZBALL!” Wakka, Tidus and Riku said at once, “What a surprise.” Riku added half-heartedly towards a confused Tidus and Wakka.

    “I’ll go get the balls.” Sora sighed as he walked over to the hidden cave.

    As he ducked under the small opening and entered their small hideout something caught his eye, A small glow was radiating from behind one of the rocks across from a pile of blitzballs Tidus and Wakka has accumulated over the years. As Sora walked up to it he was surprised to find a small blue hourglass-shape like crystal wedged between two rocks. Sora had an idea to turn it into a gift for Kairi and tried to pry it from between the two rocks.

    It seemed like it would not budge, Sora pondered for a moment on which course of action to take and then something dawned on him. He closed his eyes and there was a small flash as the Keyblade appeared in his hand. As he aimed his strike at the rock he pulled the Keyblade back and brought it down on the rock.

    One thing Sora didn’t think about was the fact that the rock was round so his strike would slide off the surface and hit whatever was beside it, mainly the crystal. As the full force of the Keyblade came down upon the small crystal it shattered into pieces, that was the least of his worries. Small blue bolts of electricity began to shoot from the shattered fragments, as they began to increase in strength the glow began to intensify. A dumb-struck Sora could only stand and watch, then at last he said “Oh Foofie”


    Riku and the others turned sharply to look at the cave opening as a jet of blue light rushed out the small cave opening, as well as forcing out several dozen blitzballs at extreme speeds. As Riku, Tidus and Selphie ducked for cover, Wakka just stood there with a stupid smile on his face at seeing all the blitzballs, then one smashed right into his face and he fell back a few feet, landing on his back in the sand.

    “SORA!” Riku yelled as the jet of blue energy died down.

    “Kairi is going to be livid if he’s hurt.” Selphie whispered.

    Everyone immediately ran over and entered the cave, except for Wakka who was still recovering from being smoked in the face by a blitzball. As they entered the cave all their mouths dropped in shock, even Riku’s. The coughing body that emerged from the smoke wasn’t Sora at all.

    There before Tidus, Selphie and Riku stood the nobody Roxas…
    Thread by: NovaParadox, Jul 17, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Archives
  10. NovaParadox
    rabbit? like roxas's picture?
    Post by: NovaParadox, Jul 17, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. NovaParadox

    Word Art

    Got some awesome word art you wanna share or wanna test it on the forums? Try using it here
    By word art i mean like images and things converted to text only, so font color is a key factor

    EDIT:Mine didnt work...
    / oo \
    | > |

    How do you stop it from formatting it to only 1 space?
    Thread by: NovaParadox, Jul 17, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. NovaParadox

    I like the blueness looks like they under water
    Post by: NovaParadox, Jul 17, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. NovaParadox
  14. NovaParadox
    FM wont come to America, FM is only for the japanese because they were upset that we got additional features so they got even more ^^

    Anyway KH2 All teh way, graphics are all oooooooo at the end
    Post by: NovaParadox, Jul 17, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  15. NovaParadox
    Guardian Soul or Sweet Memory ^^
    Post by: NovaParadox, Jul 17, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. NovaParadox

    One Winged Angel
    Post by: NovaParadox, Jul 17, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. NovaParadox

    if the whole image dont load jsut click adress bar and press enter
    Post by: NovaParadox, Jul 17, 2008 in forum: The Playground
  18. NovaParadox
    Eventually the splash attack would have lost all its PP and then they just end up struggling...odd how sturggling is the better attack, but whatever ill take part!


    - throws pokeball, magikarp comes out, not moving -


    - nothing -

    Post by: NovaParadox, Jul 17, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. NovaParadox
    Vaino - The shadow behind the curtain, he plays the minor role in everything and just eventually lost interest. He wouldnt be surprised if his house was sold when he woke up with the agent saying the owner disappeared

    OOC: Your do not click thing is simple, hold enter and its down within 5 seconds
    Post by: NovaParadox, Jul 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. NovaParadox
    Jack Sparrow!

    I love how he gets tricked with the key blade.

    Love those movies, is there gonna be a 4th?
    Post by: NovaParadox, Jul 17, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX