plesioth can go choke on my GS.
oh man o/
I guess. talk to that one guy again. See what he says.
You have a pretty fragile mind, then. poor you.
ugh, fine you win. and why don't you just take a look at my huge VAGINA
You're all sinners.
ffffffffffff how'd you know my weakness was adorable ****? Now to one up you, Also, I'm just messing...
idk am I and who is chris
assumptions heh but yeah, i'm a bro
Could you have not just asked in the first place? also, do I seem like a man to you?
2 >:l (see what you did?)
why the hell not D:
ummmmmmm >:{D
hmmmmmm 8D
Uhhhhhhhhhh :{D
Ahahahahahhahahah oh wait that's NOT FUNNY