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  1. LightManifest
    Banned because of your username. No shirt, no shoes, NO PANTS, NO SERVICE!
    Post by: LightManifest, Jul 30, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. LightManifest
    I didn't know you could be saved by Mickey until I saw the end of the game records of how many times you were saved by him. I didn't know how to trigger his rescue until I was goofing off in proud mode in Beast's castle against the boss fight, and some strange options appeared when I died! I played with him a bit, but I liked playing with Sora better, so I reseted the game and tried again. I didn't want "saved by mickey" on my record after going so far without him saving me, too...
    Post by: LightManifest, Jul 30, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. LightManifest
    Really cute! I wish I could paint like that... The colors flow together rather well. You know, taking a year on it means you're very patient with your art. Have you thought of being an artist? You have talent! Are you really a beginner?
    Post by: LightManifest, Jul 29, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. LightManifest
    Well, here's some advice I have to give: I think the left side blends into the background more than the right, so I suggest shortening the left side to take out the blend, or blend the right side more by making the sig bigger or blending out some of Xigbar. The characters on the edges of the sig don't look that badly seperated, although the left side could do some work, but the ones in the middle seem a bit overlapped and mixed in. One more thing: remember height ratio of the characters. Like Roxas, who's shorter than the other members. Although, you don't have to care about the height ratio if you made them purposely like that.

    I'm sorry if I was harsh in any way. I was just trying to find any little problem I could, because I want to give some good advice to you! So really, you did rather well! It certainly isn't the "worst sig ever." It's nice to see a signature with all the Organization XIII members in it. It's very hard to contain them all in a small area; I sure wouldn't want to take on the task:blink:... so mistakes are understandable.
    Post by: LightManifest, Jul 29, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  5. LightManifest
    Yes, I see what you mean now. I blended a few areas, but I see I forgot some... I'll have to do better next time, so thank you. As for the colors, thanks for the compliment! I wanted the colors to match the warm feeling, so I was wondering if I made it too simple with the white.

    Also, Steal the Hail, thank you for your comment. I worked to get the text in with the right colors, so I'll have to do better next time.
    Post by: LightManifest, Jul 29, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  6. LightManifest
    This is my first signature posted on Kh-vids, although I've made a few already. Please give various, constructive criticism. Don't worry about hurting my feelings, because this is how I learn! Anways, thanks for looking!

    Thread by: LightManifest, Jul 29, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  7. LightManifest


    I'm on the light side. I try my hardest to prove the world's a beautiful place. :yessir:
    Hi goes out to everyone on the Twilight and Dark side!
    Post by: LightManifest, Jul 24, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. LightManifest
    Well, I'm going to say Goofy... Why? Because, although I see them as equals, this is what I think will happen: Donald will hit Goofy in the foot with his staff, and Goofy will dance around going "ow!" while Donald's fuming, and then that will go on for awhile until a rock comes soaring from a nearby cliff (due to an explosion of a bad guy) and hits Donald in the head while he's snickering his evil laugh at Goofy's defeat, where he then goes into "KO" mode, and all this is because the creators of the game would probably want Goofy to win because Goofy is the more friendlier character while Donald isn't, and they'd want to set a good moral between their fight that the good guy wins. I know, a long, weird, goofy story... Haha, Goofy story...
    Post by: LightManifest, Jul 24, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. LightManifest
    Objection! Your location reads, "Moonlight Hill." but you are clearly in front of a computer! Your username doesn't help the case!
    Post by: LightManifest, Jul 24, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. LightManifest
    Oh, I'm sorry, I think you misunderstood me. Well, it's okay, I think I'll need to explain certain things again... I'm sorry, I'm not exactly the best at explaining my opinions...

    What I meant by, "teaching," I meant teaching values. Keeping things like that from your parents shows you've learned and cared about what they thought.

    I understand parents can shower a child with presents to show their love, but I meant some just give presents to their children to keep them busy. Not all do, so I'm sorry for the kids with parents who do that, actually. It takes more than presents to show you love your child. Or actually, did you think I meant to say parents should give children better material items? Well, I'm sorry if I offended you in anyway if it seemed it, because I didn't mean to imply anywhere in my last post that parents should give their children better material items.

    As for learning, many children see and hear things that people would find offensive. Kids with strong minds and morals can watch one thousand very "dumb" tv shows and still be unaffected by vulgarity. Just some kids with weaker minds, due to being not taught these lessons of values, can be impacted by what they hear or see and might copy it if they like it. Those are kids parents have to steer away from bad examples such as vulgar media until their children can see through parts considered bad.

    Anyways, I hope I explained myself properly. I agree with you, low morality is spreading. I hope some bad parents learn and it ends...
    Post by: LightManifest, Jul 24, 2008 in forum: Current Events
  11. LightManifest
    This may sound unintelligent, but why do they want our IP address? For videos that are illegal, can't Youtube remove them? As for, "private videos," they're not only asking to see them, but alot of things, right? I'm not saying they will get that information in the end, though, but I was just wondering why.
    Post by: LightManifest, Jul 24, 2008 in forum: Current Events
  12. LightManifest
    Well, for my opinion, I agree with many and think parents should teach children morality. When a baby is born, it usually doesn't have these moralities... Parents, sadly, can not usually reason with a very young child when they don't understand much yet, so I think parents should just give them some reasonable discipline and explain why something is wrong so they'll learn. A small child without the strength of knowledge can be weak minded and very easily influenced. Whatever they watch, they'll most likely copy if it sinks in enough. Just keep teaching younger children, and, as they understand more of right and wrong, they'll learn morality along with it.

    I think the reason for some, not all, young kids trying to act the stereotypical teenager is because they were never taught these lessons. Their parents may just tell their kids, "no" and pull them away from whatever they were doing wrong at the moment. They might have saw someone on tv or a crazy teenager do the same thing and see them not getting punished for it, so they'd think, "My parents are just being stupid!" without realizing "why" it was wrong. Some kids, like said by Repliku, are just given toys to keep them busy. If they don't learn any lessons from adults or from their own experiences, and also don't spend time with their parents, they often turn into the stereotypical "spoiled" child when receiving these toys. Then, they only see their parents as creatures that give them things, and then they often even don't see their parents as people. In that way, they often demand what they want from their parents, for that's what they think they're there for.

    Another reason for kids trying to act as they're older is because they want to be older and given all the freedom older people are given. A big reason is because there are alot of bad teenagers out there who sometimes have moralities equivilant to a badly-raised child themself, and just set terrible examples around them, not caring about the little kid.

    Another reason is, like I've said before, is that they could be weak-minded and bad things they see around them can appeal to their instincts. Some like to curse because they're strong, hurtful words and they think they can get what they want with them. Not only that, but older people don't tell other older people to not curse, but tell their child. Parents need to explain why adults, and usually teenagers, are given the freedom to curse. Cursing and watching scary movies that little kids can't often handle, they think, makes them seem older. I believe this applies to very young girls dressing in revealing clothing. I don't think keeping them from people's cursing will do anything, because they will be exposed to it eventually, just like many other things we consider, "bad." Whether or not they copy it is dependent on how much they've learned.

    One last thing, although I know this is a very long post, is that I often say, "little kid," but some adults who never learned morality from their parents or from their experiences can also have the same problems!

    Not all kids are bad, but I've been seeing an increase lately. It's usually something that spreads from bad parents to their children, who usally also end up as bad parents too and then also badly raise their kids. Those kids could learn the lessons they need to know on their own, but still some often don't or don't want to. Some parents need to be more intelligent and take care of their kids, like spending time with them. Well, just my opinion. No offense to everyone.
    Post by: LightManifest, Jul 24, 2008 in forum: Current Events
  13. LightManifest
    Well, for the wasps and vacuum cleaners... Uh... How about using a vacuum cleaner to suck up a wasp? It might make you feel better!

    As for the painful death, well, once you're dead you won't feel any pain. Uh, I'm sorry if that didn't make you feel any better... :unsure:

    I think my biggest fear is everyone dying, which, to me, is very scary. It's sort of strange, I know, but I seriously care about everyone...
    Post by: LightManifest, Jul 22, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  14. LightManifest
    Aww, I'm sorry to hear that, Xaale... I understand you went through something very harsh with your mother. You may miss the old you, but the bad experiences made you a stronger person in the end. You're still the same person, so there's no need to miss your own self. But, please remember there are always good people out there. Your mother may have been very tough on you, but I doubt you'll go through that again. If you do go through tough times again, though, than you'll be stronger than the last time, and will probably set things right on your own. You have your own, whole life now. It may be hard, but work to leave the past as the past and look toward your future and your life ahead of you. You have goals set out for yourself, right? Most people don't go through anything like that, so like I said before, I'm sorry to hear that... By the way, if you do have that personality disorder from your mother, than you might want to check into that. It's a hereditary problem that passes from family members, so there may be a chance you have it.

    Well, I don't have any grim personality disorders that I notice. I've sort of overcome pretty much most of my quirks...
    Post by: LightManifest, Jul 22, 2008 in forum: Help with Life
  15. LightManifest
    You have the power to use overdrive.
    Post by: LightManifest, Jun 28, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. LightManifest
    Oh, I'm sorry for you Chεrry ♫, and you too Xephos. It sounds as though the problem is that stress in your life has built up, including the negative feelings you may have, and are close to bursting. If you're a quiet person who keeps their feelings to themselves, never complaining, there's always a great chance it will happen. Don't worry, but please try to find solutions to the problems that have created your anger, although it will probably be hard work. Do you know what the problems are? I'm really sorry to hear this, by the way. I understand that being easily angered is not fun at all, but terrible. That's probably why you and Xephos want someone to talk to. It's a great way to get feelings out, so I'm glad that you're talking now.

    I'm sorry about your brother. Is his cancer a great cause of stress for you? It most likely is for your parents, which is also most likely why they're showering him with attention. They know he has a big problem, and want him to be happy, of course. Do they know you have a problem?
    Post by: LightManifest, Jun 27, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. LightManifest
    I like alot of them so far. You're a good artist, darkcloud. They were funny, too.

    Here's some funny ones, not drawn:





    ...? Donald's almost freaky looking.

    Post by: LightManifest, Jun 19, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. LightManifest
    Thank you for noticing! ^_^ I mean it in a good way!

    Chεrry ♫ is darkblademaster 907's best friend's cousin.
    Post by: LightManifest, Jun 16, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. LightManifest
    Why, that's easy advice there! If that stops you with talking to her or anything, just work hard over it! I know it's tough, but come up with reasons to be shy. Is there any reason to be shy? Just work out the problems if there are reasons and maybe that will help.
    Post by: LightManifest, Jun 15, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  20. LightManifest
    I loved to play Sonic and Ecco when I was little, along with Spyro 1. I still like those games!
    Post by: LightManifest, Jun 15, 2008 in forum: Gaming