My worst moment was when I first got the game and I was thinking "OMG Sora looks so cute now" and I was happy cuz I didn't see Kairi anywhere. I kept calling Roxas Sora throughout the whole game and when I finally got to be Sora, I was like "WTF? Where's you blond hair?" O_O lol, good times
The funniest thing in KH I did was jumping off the ledge at hollow bastion a million times and doing that Peter Pan bird cry, lol The funniest thing in KH2 was when I kept trying to land on the lion that said I looked tasty in the Pride lands. *sigh* Pride Rock jumping FTW ^^
Welp................ *tries to find coffee* Darn >_> <_< *takes out skittle stash*
Ummmmmmmmmm Sora + Me = Totally happy hotness flirty *after 5 hrs of obsession* Okay, he`s hawt XD
*looks* NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *fails*
Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, I`m short. Don`t blame me, blame gravity >_>
lolz! I`m bored now, have to look around
Is that who I think it is?! *gasps* Okay............. >_> <_<
LMao, funnier than mine!! >_> <_<
Gaspers!! Lmao, I`ll post a pic later, I`m too lazy right now
Lmao, My friends pratically taped my feet to the floor to watch that Naruto marathon with them
YAYZ!!!!!!!! Rock Lee pwns!!
Inky is the fastest one
I need friends!!! Is it my craziness?! *tries to be calm*................................. AAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Curse you INKY!!!!!!!!!! *falls on floor crying*
Lmao, I love this place!! *kicks kitty off of couch*
I know why!!! *JUMPS UP AND DOWN* cuz he`s hawt!!
>_> <_< Maybe!! Lmao, naw, not really. I have another chappy! Muhahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!! I`m so evil *thinks up evil plot* Okay......... Um Chapter 2: The Journy Begins The things that form in your head ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Cool, a island!!" Oh great! Where am I now?! T_T I slowly took in the scene I witnessed: A spikey haired boy and a silver haired boy racing OMG OMG!! Is that who i think it is?! I realized that was Sora "OMG!! Sora!!!!!!!" Opps!!!!!! Bad Lex, bad Lex! >.< The spikey haired brutenette shot a puzzled look my way, then quickly crashed into a tree. Ouch! >.< I ran quickly to his side to help. That`s Sora!!!!!! I`m gonna die! *Drool* "I`m so sorry!! I didn`t know you were racing Riku." The sivered haired one approached Sora and me: Riku. Hmmm.......... I wonder if I can tackle him.... Sora and Riku held a quick meeting among themselves while I did whatever girls did. *Drool* Sora quickly addresed me. "I`m sorry, but who are you? Are you new to Destiny Islands?" WTF?! This is Destiny Islands?! YAYZ! ^_^ "Hello?!" "Huh?" "I asked you are you new here!!" I quickly got to my feet. "Umm......... Yeah?" Sora stared at me for awhile and slowly started to grin. Yes!! He bought it!! "Then welcome to Destiny Islands! I`m Sora!" Riku muttered something. Sora nudged his arm. "Come on Riku, have some manners" Yep, that`s Riku alright "Whatever" Riku walked toward the ocean in silence. "Ummm....... rude much?!" "Oh, Riku? He`s just doing his own thing" Sora got to his feet and walked Riku`s path. Am I the odd one left out?! I quickly exclaimed "Wait!!" Sora gave me yet another puzzled look. "Oh yeah, I never heard your name." "It`s Lex" I followed Sora to the beach. "Do you want to hang out with us?" YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^ Happy Happy Joy Joy!! "Sure" I sat next to Sora on the beach, with Riku to my left. YAYZ! ME!! I wonder what would happen if I tackle Riku............ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ me: Yet another chappy!!!!! Riku: Oh brother, here we go............ me: Who asked you Riku? Riku: *Glares* me: *Sigh* Sarcasm much?
>_> <_< *steals coconuts* *gives to innocent guy* *looks innocent*
I couldn`t think of anything else to do and the name`s crappy, so don`t mind me >_> <_< Chapter 1: The Awakening Thoughts, in case some people didn`t know Disembodied voicy thingy o_0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I slowly awakened to find I was flying through the clouds at a alarming speed. WTF?! What happened? I felt as if some invisible force was pulling me farther and farther away. I about-faced to take in my surroundings. Ummm........... isn`t my house that way? @_@ As soon as those thoughts formed in my head, I began to plunge through the clounds to a watery abyss. Oh ****z!!! I`m going to die!! Goodbye cruel world!! Wow, I`m not dead, YAYZ! ME!! ^_^ My body slowed and I felt a sudden urge to take a step foward. As soon as my foot touched the watery dephts, A swarm of butterflies appeared out of nowhere. WTF? I hope those are dead! Me hate bugs A large stage suddenly appeared under my feet. "Cool!!" ^_^ I exclaimed as I took in the beautiful stained glass windows and the stairs. Welcome Alexis "Huh? OMG!! I can speak!!" Of course you can (to think I have to awaken a bunch of snot pickers) "Hey!! I don`t pick my nose like the little kids down the block!!" The Disembodied voice ignored me. ANYWAY, you have powers that are yet to be discovered. "I do?" Okay, this guy`s creeping me out big time *Shudder* Yes, you have intense power unlike anyone I`ve ever awakened. "Now we`re talking!" *sigh* So much to learn, so little time Three items appeared before me: A sheild, a sword, and a staff. Choose wisely. Hmmm........... this looks good I walked up to the staff. It glowed at my touch and the voice spoke again. This staff holds the power of the mystic. Is this the power you seek? "Ummm......Sure, whatever." The weapon disappered. Now what would you leave behind? So many Damn questions!! >.< I chose to give away the sword. A large door appeared in my path. Don`t stop walking Okay!! Stupid disembodied voice!! >.< Beyond this door is the beginning of your journey. Be Careful ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Me: Yayz!! Me!! my first story Disembodied voice: Good for you!! *Sarcasm* Me: Stupid Voicy thingy>.<