Aahh, my school's too boring to dress up during Halloween weekend. :P So, my town decided to ban Halloween, since it was on a Sunday, so they switched it to today. What rocks is that I can go t.o.t.ing today, then tomorrow, go to the next town, which I live right next to x] I still haven't figured out what i'm ganna do... Last year, i went as myself, being the victim for my two friends: a vampire and the grim reaper.
They never have released them outside of Japan. Most likely never will. :\
I'm probably ganna see "Owls of Gahoole" or however you spell it today... Yes, all, be jealous x]
Haha, I always wonder how they come up with ways to explain Sora going back to level 1 :] I can only take so much before I have to go, "Ugh, really? Again?" Let's hope they don't lose their touch. Okay, so, now I know I probably won't be crying much during the game, which stuns me a bit. It'll be an interesting and different approach, though it shouldn't be too different, hopefully. It's definitely worth buying to me, since it explains why Jiminy's journal suddenly went blank in KH2, even though it didn't really bother me so much, and hopefully other things. I'm hoping there will be other mysteries in this game that will be answered in other upcoming games. I'm also hoping alot of shocking and epic scenes... please don't take those away, Nomura. I hope a bit too much <3
Woo! Go Hot Topic with your crazy KH merchandising :]
Nothing to lose old movie...
i did that to :[ Happy birthdayyy!!
Sisterhood of the traveling pants *shoots* *dies* Edit: nvm x]
FFX. Jecht. >.> mehsdfsuyt... i hated that battle song SO FRICKING MUCH. And then that practically-naked chick Yunalesca. Dayum... I feel like a pussy saying how much RIKU'S SECOND BATTLE IN KH1 SCREWED ME OVER. Not to mention the first battle with Ansem.... then the second one. By the end of the game, i think i had callus on my thumbs...
Beware, major nerd-ness coming through x] Secret Ansem report 2 Spurred on by my youngest apprentice, Ienzo, I constructed a massive laboratory in the basement of my castle. This may suggest that the whole lab was probably in the basement of the castle they were in... lol Ansem Report 8 There is no doubt that the Heartless are deeply connected to the people's hearts. Further study may unravel both their motivations and the mysteries shrouding the heart. As a start, I have built a device that artificially creates Heartless. By recreating the conditions that spawn the Heartless naturally, I should be able to produce them artificially. This device is the culmination of all my research thus far. The machine's test run successfully created a Heartless. This may be a step toward creating a heart from nothing. The artificially and naturally created Heartless showed nearly identical traits. But the two types remain distinct for the purpose of the experiment. So, I will mark the ones that are created artificially. So, yeah, it's true they're manufactured. Ansem Report 10 ...My path is set. I shall seek out the wielder of the Keyblade, and the princesses. My body is too frail for such a journey, but I must do this. I will cast it off and plunge into the depths of darkness. And Ansem did choose to become a heartless willingly. But he also had an emblem Ansem Report 12 I have transcended to an existence of only the heart. I should have come back as a Heartless, but there is no sign of such a transformation. My body has surely perished. However, I am different from the other Heartless, keeping the memories of before, and I have not taken on the form of a Heartless. It is evident that there are still many things to be studied... I'm not exactly sure what this means. It obviously proves that he ended up different from what a normal person who has lost their heart would typically transform into. But since we know he gave his heart willingly, we could assume that others who gave their heart willingly could end up in the same predicament (of course, ones with a strong heart and will... that could have something to do with it). Secret Ansem Report 3 Did Xehanort pass through that door in an attempt to contact that dark realm? No, not only Xehanort. It appears my other five apprentices, believing it was for the sake of research, stared deep into the darkness and were pulled into it. Even, Ienzo, Braig, Dilan, and Aeleus... They have ceased to be human. This could possibly mean that... they gave their hearts up willingly. So, they probably do have heartless somewhere out there. With an Emblem, perhaps, since Ansem had one. So we could see the apprentices again. As for the other organization members... :\ hmm... But apparently, Axel's coming back, right?
I still draw in stick figures x[
My first grade drawings: stick figures on paper I can't compare... :[
Oh my gawd!!! 8D so cute.
Maybe there will be new Heartless bosses in KH 3D. I'm not sure where that game goes, chronologically. And perhaps not all of the Organization members will be coming back... *tear
I remember D.a.r.e. when I was a kid... Yeah, majority of the kids that did that ended up doing drugs anyways in high school, lol...
Instead of naming the raft "Highwind", you end up naming it whatever you put when he asked you what you would name it if you won :] Like, "excalibur" or something. Then Riku says "It's just a name, calm down" or something, and Sora pouts. Incidentally, however the race turns out, the name that won ends up being the name for the Gummi Ship :] pretty cool, imo What happens in that scene? : o
xD i know. Kh1's Atlantica was a bad trip when you don't move around. hahaha. My worst moment KH1: The second Riku battle >8\ I remember ever single word, every single music note etc. in the cutscene right before the battle because of the many times I died.... Getting around Hollowbastion was tough to... I hated Monstro, it made me sick x[ I didn't even bother with Sephiroth KH2: I remember wondering if Roxas was Sora's father or something xD I didn't like the Demyx battle much either... Other than that, i liked the game :]
Can't wait. I'm happy, particularly because I own a DS :P I hope there are alot of funny/ memorable quotes in this game like there was in Days. That's one of the things I liked most about that game. xD i.e. "Go bang your head against the glass or something". Still :3 Kingdom Hearts... I love you.
xD lol, i know, i know.... they're probably dirty as EVAR, but still, hahaha. I got kind of tired of the same jumping, disk throwing stuff haha. I think the final straw was when my puppy, who had a winning streak in agility, TRIPPED over a freaking bar, and lost her streak... i was like "that's it. I'm not feeding you. FOREVER" loll If they grew up.... that would make it fun :P
That sounds perfect for a demon, lol. And hey, finding a job around here's pretty impossible :\ especially when you don't have a ride