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  1. Lexaeus_13
    I figured it out when my friend told me about Nobodies and the Org, and I pointed out that Roxas looks so similar to Sora and that his name is an anagram of Sora added an X.
    Post by: Lexaeus_13, Nov 7, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Lexaeus_13
    I personally half-believe ghosts exist, but I can understand if people believe they don't exist. I'm actually a 'seeing-is-believing' person (although in some cases it's exceptional, like how I believe in God). Well, you could actually say I half-believe them, because it has been said that only some people (gifted, as in Bleach :laughing-smiley-004) can see ghosts. In truth, sometimes I can even assume that spirits are around us.

    About those shows like 'most haunted stuff', I don't believe they're completely fake, because it just depends on the people. Maybe those paranormals are trying to prove that ghosts exist. In ghost hunt shows, one of the team guys is probably able to see the ghosts. Well, again, they could be making stuff up, but we never know. Some of my friends have also seen something beyond a person's belief, that's why I half-believe them.

    One more thing, and this is just as joke-like thought. If ghosts don't exist, how could the word 'GHOST' even exist!? Ancient people might be just making them up, or thought up another name for 'SPIRITS' cuz they're bored...
    Post by: Lexaeus_13, Nov 7, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  3. Lexaeus_13
    Perhaps that was TOO fresh....
    Post by: Lexaeus_13, Nov 7, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Lexaeus_13
    I'm not really sure if this question belongs here. I'm sorry if it doesn't, because I just made this account today and don't really know some stuff...

    But I wanted to ask: How do you download the Boss Battle Videos for KH II? Next to the 'Download' section, I see a Windows Media Player icon. I clicked on it but it always directed me to the homepage of FileFront (not the specific link). If anyone can tell me a solution to this, please post here or PM me. You might just as well PM me because again, I don't know if this thread belongs here, so sorry.

    Thanks for any help.
    Thread by: Lexaeus_13, Nov 4, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance