It really sucks to type something on the PSP But on the PS3 it's not better, the type-system is the same...but fortunately you can use an usb-keyboard on it^^
So, here some gfx works i've done. But i want to say something at the beginning: i posted more graphic than i originally scheduled x_x so it can take some time for loading alle the pics (even though i put the big images in thumbnails ^^) Icons (only a few, it would take to long to upload all...and i think nobody really wants to see them X..x) Okay, now several less random icons xD and at least a series of icons i've made for a team^^ Sigs And again some random stuff at the start: Just ignore the 'Nudelsuppe' if you see it on one of the sigs, it's the nickname i used before Kurogane and...yeah in english it means noodle soup XD a few 'normal sigs' x3 C4D & Smudge I also made an animated version of the Seph-Sig which passes all the layers i used for the sig^^ And, uhm...i also made a tutorial for this sig...the only problem is: it's not in english XD But for all who either speak german or anyhow are interested in seeing, her is the link: Designs Okay, and finaly some Forum Designs: I only made a real preview for 3 of them...for the other i only can post screenshots ^^'' unfortunately you can't see the animations and mouse-over effects on the screens, but i marked always one menu point to show you at least one mouse-over effect~ But for the latest design i made i also post the link, so you can see the effects: (Death Note Style) I know that it's not allowed to post links to other forums, but i don't think that this could be a concurrence to your forum^^" (if it's a problem for you i remove the link) Okay, for all the ones who did it until here~ i appreciate you xD And i'm open for all your comments and critiques :3
I like to do some housework o_o
Thanks for the greetings and the help again^^ But, I have another question now: in the Graphic Art Forum, do you open a new thread for every new signature or graphic, or can i open a showroom where i post all my new stuff? oô
Thanks for all the greetings ^^ But i have already a question: why is my signature not displayed at my first post? oô does the the sig in previous posts keeps the same, if i change it in the UserCP? Oo
So, uhm...i'm not good at introducing myself, so i make it short: Likes: Games, GFX, Anime / Manga, Music Dislikes: ...noodles? O..o I found the link to in the credits of a KH video on youtube~ But the real cause for register me in here was the Graphic Art Board, i luuu~ve Graphic Art :3 I already saw some very good sigs at the sotw contest and i hope to find some ideas and inspiriation here. Yeah, and if you feel some kind of pain by reading my posts: i'm sorry, my english is worse, i know XD So, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask ^^ cya, Kurogane