soundwave crisis and what post
ok look if itz u tellin every1 im bein mean im srry i knoW u wont reply 2 this i understand your pissed off at me idk y but just so u know im srry...
ok srry and if your talkin bout famous shes telling ppl im bein mean out of the blue she called me a weirdo so i asked her why her reply-SHUT UP...
i did it said sure am i in truble
Well the band Red has like all good song than american rejects gets old
you still maD =(
Name: Murray,Thunder age:17 race:Human likes: girls dislikes: injustice Hobbies:Looking for his parents Background: Parents were druggies One night they left him out in the snow as a baby. A man named Scott Bearsley came by and took him as his own. Than Thunder found out about his past. He got really mad. He ran away to find his real parents and kill them. He is looking for them still today.
i just saw it itz soooooo cool thts cool im american
same here just woke up goin 2 the movies XD TV does get borInG dO yOu LiVe iN aUsTrAliA
oh o yeah well your really attractive 2 me im good u <3
oh hey :3 XD : p
i should get that
fine mad stuck on Crisis core itz hard
WHOA how r u
does tht mean no
hey :kiss: :hart:
wanna go oUt:)
dude im so scared im getting a ban lolZ XD :rofl:
plz dont call me names