lol Doktor of course she is picking her nose! If you cant see the woman picking her nose than you are an ideot. I also see bigfoot doing the charlie brown behind her. Nice xD hahahahahahajk
Avi: 6/10 I'm not a huge fan of it but it's pretty. Sig: 8.5/10 Nicely done. <3
I'm bored too! >< Someone make this thread not boring. xD
Tonight my sister had a concert at her college performing arts center. After it was over my sister and parents were on their way home and while driving they watched a buss full of highschool children, chaparones, and teachers roll off the road and down hill. So far all I'm sure of is that one person died, fifty two students were sent to the hospital and a couple of students are still pinned under the buss. I wish I knew more but if you're christain pray for these children, parents, and teachers who were in any way involved with this accident and if you aren't do the same. These people need all the help they can get. Thanks everyone. ~Nozomi
Teehee. That depends, are you here to make a reservation. ^_^
I have that effect on people often... the ones I like anyways xD
heehee thats an awesome name! But it does take much talent to invent 'the end' :p
lol thanks :) Actually I'm known everywhere else by the name Hope but I've been told that Nozomi means hope and I like the sound of it better.
Hey sorry I've been away for a while. Anyway I changed up the other signature a little bit. I still think this one is a bit bright so I'm working on yet another version. I may or may not post it here later: I also have a completely different signature and Avi. They are my most recent work. Lets play a lovegame kiddies!
lol thanxs!!!!
12'th grade baby :cool: I'm sooo ready to graduate and get out of school.
Highschool :p lol What grade u in?
lol yupp. It's my second week in school You hAVENT started school yet!?
It's all good. ^_^ I'm doing just about the same but I'm doing homework while I'm at it.
lol um... sure. Whats up?
Sure ^_^ All characters accepted. I will make my profile possibly tomorrow. Rules 1- I reserve the right to accept of veto any charater as well as asking you to change your character. 2- No mary-sue characters. Any character of the sort will be killed immediately and you will not be permitted to create a new one. 3- Be as creative as you wish with your character templates as you want. You are allowed to have up to two characters to start off with but they are your responsibility to take care of. 4- Talk to the character author before you kill someone off. 5- Romance is encouraged but please keep it PG-13 <3 6- Have fun! (duh) 7- Last but not least, PLEASE no spam posts. Spam posts will be ignored and I will have a mod delete it as soon as I see it. Spam posts are any post in an RP that are not relevant to the RP or an RP post that only has less than four sentences. Template Name: Age: Bio: Appearence: Weapon: (if any) Role: Side: (good, evil, Neutral) *Abilities: *Personality: *Theme song: Anything in the template with the *'s before it are optional. (More Characters needed: Bad guy (can be Ganondorf... or maybe someone more powerful ;))
lol Bring it on beches! Yeah I get it with the whole rule thing. Thanks and nice to meet you.
Have you ever just thought back on your life and then suddenly thought that your life is like the most epic thing since they came out with the Internet? Ok well maybe not that drastic but you get my point. Sometimes I just think back and think "Holy Fricken Crap, I could write a book out of some of my memories." So I wanted to know how many other people had as many wild and crazy stories as mine. So I'm posting this thread here so that you can post your crazy life stories *please no personal information. lol* here and people can laugh at them. I guess I will start first to make an example: Middle School Kids can be ReALLY perverted sometimes. For example I was walking through the halls of my school on thursday between classes and I go to an extremely small school so we sort of share the building with the elementary and junior high. Point is All day in between classes I would get approached in the hallway randomly and some junior high children would get slapped in the ass! I was getting very desturbed especially seeing as my little sister's boyfriend was the main culprit. By about the middle of school I got smart and brought along a bodyguard between classes xD. So it went all day of me being petrified of being sexually harassed by small children when I eventually ran into my little sister and I asked her "Ok whats going on here either I"m a lot sexier than I realized or your friends are all on crack." And my sweet innocent little sister looked at me with the most evil smile I have ever seen on her and she suddenly yells "Ass-Smack Thursday!" So let it be a warning to you all, if you ever come to my hometown for any reason at all do not come to my school on a thursday because you can and WILL be sexually harassed by pre-teens. lol Now you all know one bit of crazyness from the life of nozomi, I want to hear something about you that is just as crazy or possibly funny. lol Have fun
lol Well maybe my introduction to this thread was a little harsh but I really hate it when I post my work somewhere and all people say is "oh thats beautiful" or "I wish I had your talent." Well duh! Of course I like my work or I wouldn't have posted it here. Trust me I enjoy compliments as much as the next betch in line but what I'm looking for is for people to tell me honestly what they think and tell me at least one thing I could do that would have made it better wether it be technique or just the overall clarity of the picture. Trust me I'm a big girl I can take a few punches. :) Ok well the first thing I'm going to post here is probably my most recent sig and avitar set. Sig: Avi: