k thx alot
i know but im not sure where to post it and i see jordi's point 2 no 1 wants 2 see that but thats why the y blocked it
this is a serious problem th othey just emidetly banned her
k your not getting what im saying im saying ot GIVE HER A WARNING ABOUT THIS AND UN ****ING BAN HER becuase no 1 needs to hear that kinda stuff here
Exatly thats why we gonna join the revolution to unban her EDIT: Exatly thats why they block the content and just giver 1 of 3 warnings i think banning her is a little extream
i know because they blocked it and banned her but look in the second post
she got to exited on her 1st period look on her user acccount and go 2 guess what
Put My Save Sworder2 In Ur Siggy To Join The Revolution To Unban Her
Join The Revolution
" hmmm all i said was to listen to what people say and look at all point of views and thats all im going to say if u listened to me you would have got that and much much more " riku feeling so-so went a little closer to Larxene realizing what he had said earlyer slowing hugging her
OOC-ok thx
" hmm so what are you mubling about "
" i don't know why i sound ridiculous to you because all you have to do is listen to what im saying and you'd see it my way and how i feel, and i know there can be know exceptions not for me and not for her but please just see it my way and you'll see how much i care for her and for you and i hope it never has to come to me becoming an outcast but i would sacrifice myself for you and for her, Because if you care about someone as much as i do you would do anything for you and Sharix"
" well she would seemed troubled if you where new and you joined a side and now you cant even talk to the m because she had meet with a skater before she meet me and they had warned her about us it will take time she will get used to it and if she makes this mistake again i will use all the power i have to protect her even if it means becoming an outcast, because Love Will Conker all"
" I havent told her but she knows shes a prep and yes she does know what can happen " Hmm some of the skaters arnt all that bad but because o the stupid unspoken rule i can never talk to them
" well when i thin kof certain things i forget about all that and just let go and we where arguing about love to and what you heard me saying i found my true love well i belive that my true love is Sharix "
" Thats It thats what we were talking about just love in General "
OOC-that was about something me and Axel Where talking about youd have 2 loo kback a few pages BIC-" we were talking about love "
"OOC-What Riku Looks Like http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=26443&page=77 scrool down a bit till you find the newest one BIC-" aww you know i was just kidding around Larxene and Axel Everyone has a true love i have just found mine earlier than you "
"yes you really scarred me that much and we wirnt talking about anything why do you have to just to conclusions "